Offline blogging, uni and other stuff

Whoa before you read this, make sure you understand that includes the following:

  • Some mobile banter
  • Uni related stuff, new module and all
  • Super banter about Kingston Kids
  • Some random conclusion of what I’m doing this evening or something I dunno

So yeah, read on if you’re up for it haha

Last night I managed to download a cool application for my mobile phone. It was called eprofiler and was used for switching profiles at scheduled times, you also had other extra functions such as changing the theme with certain profiles and ringtones too. I downloaded this tool mainly so I can have my phone automatically switched onto silent whenever I’m at a lecture to avoid any embarassment and need to switch the phone silent. Though for some strange reason it doesnt seem to work atm, will give it a good testing tonight.

Today uni was rediculously stupid. The module dealt with PRINCE2, a project managing tool used to ensure that the project has some scope and formality. It’s a very open standard which means people are able to apply it on almost all projects that are big enough for prince (you wouldnt apply it on a small project now would you? you’d spend more time planning then getting it done).

The lecture was alright, the internet connection wasnt, seems like the room we use (Teaching Annex 1) isnt too close to the wifi range. You can “kinda” gget some reception, but most of the time you just cack out.

Mental note for future, try not to bring a laptop… it’s useless, it distracts you from things and adds weight to your bag. I liked the idea how I can just carry an empty bag with the odd sheet of paper. So yeah, no more laptops unless needed. It was nice having your own computer with your own programmes to play with, but that was about it. Most of the time I just surf online, so a laptop without internet is like a car without wheels haha.

The seminar was the main attraction of the day, we were given an assignment on a case study about auctioneers. The first thing we needed to do is establish a project board and a list of objectives. The task was pretty simple; me, Alex, Sarah and Joe got into groups and prompty sorted out all the project board and list of objectives. We had a little debate on nominating a project manager, but then found out we werent asked for that. This is where it gets exciting, show and tell, everyone had to tell the lecturer who they thought were suitable for the project board. Most of the answers I heard were horrific, the people do not pay attention to the lectures, and we’re not talking about just this lecture…EVERY lecture, year 1 and year 2. One of the basic things an information system student should be capable of doing is to distinguish what an objective was, these people were listing tasks, not objective, it was horrible.

The part was the board, and whoa, the answers were funny, some were still not sure what the answer was. I just cringed most of the time and occasionally heckled “retards” at people who were incapable of providing a correct answer (some had trouble of announcing their answers as well). So yeah, bunch of retards. What a rant…. I’ll try not to get too nonsensical and irrelevant with my posts in futures, just needed to vent the fact that Kingston Uni students are RETARDED and perhaps possess a lower capabilty of thinking then the common retard.

Had a chat with Alex, he managed to get dynamic images going. This involved either imagicmagik or gd to work, this was installed as a php module and is used by most gallery software. I might give it a go tonight

Main objective however is to get the whole house cleaned up for B to come over.

2 Responses to “Offline blogging, uni and other stuff”

  1. Alex replied

    Here’s a bit of basic code for making dynamic images using GD, I’m gonna see if I can work out how to define a font…

    Header (”Content-type: image/png”);
    $img_handle = imageCreateFromPNG(””);
    $color = ImageColorAllocate ($img_handle, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF);

    The following function has the following parameters…
    imagestring ( image, font size, x coordinate, y coordinate, text string, colour )
    ImageString ($img_handle, 4, 77, 150, “Text here”, $color);
    ImagePng ($img_handle);
    ImageDestroy ($img_handle);

  2. Crazy Bobbles said

    Woo thanks :)

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