Apple updates their ipods, pretty nano

Pretty green ipod nano

Pretty green ipod nano

Well today was Apple’s lovely “Let’s Rock” event, promising to update their ipod line with fancier and colourful ipods, and MAN they are fancy. I’ll skip the details but the product I was very keen on was the ipod nano. Mmm pretty green ipod nano. It features that sensor everyone’s been raving to put in every device, the lovely accellerroommeetterr (couldn’t be bothered figuring out which letters were doubled so i doubled them all) which detects when you tilt, shake or rotate the ipod. In this case you are able to put it on landscape and watch your videos and whatnot in widescreen but the coolest feature is shaking the ipod nano like a baby to shuffle a song. The price isn’t too bad either, £150 for a lovely 16gb ipod nano. Oh apple how you tempt us with your pretty alluminium musical players of doom (of the green variety).

As well as that the ipod classic (which i own) is updated to a lovely 120 gigalobytes. Enough space to store uhm… I was trying to think of something rediculous at 120 gigalobytes but failed, i’ll just use the lame attempt of hd quality porn (in a 320×240 resolution, makes total sense).

The ipod touch is also updated with a stainless steel back, built in speakers, volumn controls and nike+ support (sounds fancy but you need a pair of nike shoes and I like my black converse thank you). Nothing too fancy really, i prefer BIG phat f**k off capacity increases to store my music, videos (mmm futurama in ipod) and whatnot.

Other updates includes itunes8, apparently it’s fancy and has a genius inside, theres a lovely grid view where you can view all your album art in a fancy grid (suck it to those who don’t do house keeping on their itunes library!).

So yeah, if you’re thinking about betraying your creative zens, recently broke your ipod, or just want to be the coolest of the cats, go to your local apple store and order one of those bad boys (wish I had an affiliate link haha). And once again, please join me to say

“mmm green ipod nano”

10 responses | reply | comment feed

  • Dominique says:

    These constant updates on iPods are starting to seem like a last ditch effort to keep themselves relevant in the face of their own brother, the iPhone. As for the iTunes update, I personally am enjoying it since I religiously groom my iTunes library, not to mention the Genius is pretty freaking awesome. Once again, Apple has proved to me that it has telepathic powers.

  • crazybobbles says:

    Only for the ipod touch, in the end they still have slightly different purposes, they did go overboard on bunging a music player in the iphone. Probably why I bought the ipod classic, i wouldn’t cry if i lost it (but i would probably blog about it) since it’s cheap and stores an ungodly amount of stuff. The acceelleerroommeetteerr is pretty epic though for the ipod nano. Hopefully that will appear on the ipod touch and iphone too.

    My itunes is still at it gathering information about my library. I want to see this bad boy at work :( not gathering damn information. I was actually hoping apple would ninja in a macbook update, ho hum, gives me time to save up for one i guess.

  • Jason says:

    In terms of the ‘genius’ thing, do you reckon they’ve ‘borrowed’ the recommendation idea?

  • Jason says:

    also…maybe Apple’s slyly using the Genius thing to find out how much illegal/non-DRM music is on your pc!

  • crazybobbles says:

    Most likely, I was actually surprised that they didn’t think of it already, the amount of stuff I learn from is immense!

  • crazybobbles says:

    lets just say non DRM music, illegal sounds dirty :p i’m tempted to use for buying digital downloads now, purely because it’s all mp3s and a few pennies cheaper

  • yeerkcraaazer says:

    They STILL don’t include radio, dammit.

  • crazybobbles says:

    but that would mean more space and more money, not everyone listens to radio anyway, plus there’s tonnes of attachments!

  • elizabeth says:

    whoa. i just might have to betray my yummy green creative zen (vision m). that green nano is mesmerizing.

  • crazybobbles says:

    I know *salivates*, guess the consolation is that ipod classics will get the genius feature :D

type something!