Gogol Bordello live at the Roundhouse

Gogol Bordello: Eugene Hütz

Our favourite Gypsy immigrant punk rock band Gogol Bordello return to London to grace us with some more energy charged madness and fun. They were supoorted by Supramazoo, a Belgium band who really complemented the event well with crazy beat boxing and hardcore rocking (not that they were a hardcore rock band, but whatever). This night has been quite a bouncy one and left me covered in projectile sweat, red wine, and more sweat from jumpy fans.

Gogol Bordello played in the Roundhouse which to be honest was the first time I’ve been. The first half of the show was with Supramazoo, they were pretty upbeat and fun. The MC graced us with some solo beatboxing which was pretty amazing. Later on with the show they got Eugene Hütz (lead singer of Gogol Bordello) out to sing a long with them, he wore a cute fuzzy grey hat with ears (i want), twas funny because everything seemed spontaneous with Eugene singing “imigrant punk” at one point of their songs.

Superamazoo Superamazoo

After Supramazoo it was Gogol Bordello, the last time I saw them my friends Michelle and Stephie were covered in man sweat, Eugene jumps around far too much and consequently (consequently?) genrates an abundant amount of sweat. It was pretty icky mind, which was why I made sure I avoided that at all cost, especially when he goes topless (because that’s where most of the sweat comes from I’m guessing haha).

Gogol Bordello: Eugene Hütz

Before the gig I was able to chat with a few fellow photographers, talking about dayjobs, other gigs, and this and that. We were then taken to a room where we were briefed on when we could shoot, it felt like huddle time but with photographers, the security guy who briefed us felt proud of himself bless hehe.

Gogol Bordello: Eugene Hütz avec wine

Usually I have a setlist to read off what they played but tonight I didn’t get one :( but whatever, they played all of my favourite songs (and no not just “Start Wearing Purple” (haha i wore a purple shirt to the gig, typical huh?)). Last time I saw them I totally didn’t realise they had released a new album after Gypsy Punks Underdog World Strikes so didn’t recognise all the Super Taranta songs, this time I obviously heard it and enjoyed the tracks they played on it, including American Wedding, Alcohol, My Strange Uncle from Abroad and Harem In Tuscany (Taranta).

Gogol Bordello: Punks Gogol Bordello: Eugene = ME!

Here’s a medley type video of them doing Undestructable, Sally and a few other songs:

Sorry for the hands and whatnot, it’s really hard taking videos in a crowd and horny kids and folk! During the video they all group up and play from left and right which was always fun!

Gogol Bordello: Crowd shot

Crowd shot

The crowd were defintiely loving the show, I saw Adam and John at the front row of the crowd and they were loving it. After shooting in the pit I went back into the crowd and did some moshing with everyone else (though I did lose Michelle before the gig which I still feel very guilty about because I just left like that :( really sorry michelle!). Somehow I managed to mosh my way all the way to the front.

Gogol Bordello: Crowd pleasing Gogol Bordello

I think it was then I got attacked, by projectile sweat! No idea how, but Eugene ejected a load of sweat that went right bang into my face :( twas funny though (though not when he got wine all over me!). The rest of the gig was exhilarating and bouncy, what you’d expect in a typical Gogol Bordello gig. Really wish I didn’t bring my long coat and wasitcoat today, they got pretty much anhiliated during the gig haha.

Gogol Bordello

They had an encore in which they were hoping to play 5 songs (wow 5!). They invited a famous accordian player on stage to play with them, though right at 11pm, the sound guy had to cut short his solo piece due to curfew, it was quite an anticlimax but the band were sport about the whole situation and thanked the crowd and even personally came down to the front of the stage to say hi to the fans (it’s fun when bands do that). So yeah, that’s about it, hope you enjoy the photos and videos! Buy their album if you haven’t already!

Gogol Bordello Gogol Bordello She's a lady! Gogol Bordello Gogol Bordello Gogol Bordello Gogol Bordello Gogol Bordello Gogol Bordello Gogol Bordello

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