Peaches at Southbank Ether Festival 09

Peaches at Southbank (99/365)

The ether festival has a pretty epic lineup, but the three that struck me most are Peaches, Röyksopp and Squarepusher. I’ve seen Peaches live during a random Reading festival and it was just brilliant! She really knows how to work the stage and put on a show so there was no question in seeing her live at Royal Festival Hall (I love this venue!). It was an evening filled with filth, dancing mushroom type things, and some good old fashioned flying on stage.

Her entrance was pretty funny as she appeared from the audience dressed up as a huge peach wearing a gimp type mask. Each step she’d make would make a nice bassy giant step micro earthquake sound. She started off with Showstopper which really got the crowd going. She then played Trick or Threat, Operate, Mud and Serpentine.

Peaches at Southbank

She knows how to tease the crowd by playing a quick bit from her popular tracks including Shake Yer Dix and Fuck the Pain Away before actually playing the song. Shake Yer Dix got people going as the crowd advanced to the front of the stage, screwing their seats (which is good for me because my seat was alright but not in front hehe, oh and not literally “screwing” their seats, that’s just weird). Shake Yer Dix was fun due to the amount of shaking involved :D

Peaches on speakers

Everything was just filled with filth and awesomeness at the same time (blended with the flagship Blendtec (Will it blend?) blender). There were no boundaries that Peaches wouldn’t cross, one moment she’s climbing on top of the super tall PA amps, the next she’s dancing with her crotch flashing and then the next she’s flying up on stage singing Rock and Roll. Wasn’t expecting that one bit, mind I did notice the cables on her so that kinda gave it away.

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Peaches at Southbank

As well as new tracks from her latest upcoming album “I feel Cream” she also graces us with some awesome oldies such as Boys Wanna Be Her and Kick it. Here’s 2 lovely videos of that in action:

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At one point of the show she urges folks on stage to take their shirts off and telling us that she’s not going to stop unless someone does, knowing the crowd a few folks were happy to volunteer. Here’s another video of her, this time playing Talk to Me which is one of my favourites from her new album

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After much flying and fornicating the pain away, she came back for an encore and played I Feel Cream, Take You On and Lover Tits. The show ended in quite a weird way in that some folks came to the front and kidnapped her to the Chloe Ballroom (another stage inside the Royal Festival Hall).

Peaches at Southbank

It was quite a funny scene which ended with some guy stripping off a bit and spraying diet coke into people (I luckily found a human shield for that occasion). It was quite a weird end because we didn’t get to clap and thank her enough for such an amazing show. Just didn’t feel like the end.

Peaches at Southbank

I hung around a bit afterwards and met up with Patrick Wolf, here’s a photo of him hiding under a DVD.

Guess who's behind Berlin?

We later on talked about bandstocks and how I bought 3 stocks for his upcoming album the Bachelor. He was excited he kissed my hand for investing. We talked about secret gigs, how he likes to pick up loads of things (like Timeout magazines, and now my moo card ;) ) and leaflets and just pile them up and eventually ended the acquaintance with a nice hug. He probably would have let me take a photo of him if he knew I was actually more of a fan then a photographer (at times :P )

1 response | reply | comment feed

  • emushka says:

    PEACHES is the fruit of all fruits!!!!!!!!

    Best gig i’ve been to this year, absolutely amazing!!!

    too good for words.


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