Posts Tagged ‘games’
Saturday, November 24th, 2007
OK I’ve been on a pretty crazy spending spree but I’ve managed to get myself a PS3 AND a PSP Lite and Slim. Reason for getting the ps3 was to simply buy it before they stop doing the 60gb PS3s which had backward compatibility as well as 4 usb ports. Psp well, I dont know, I wanted to play Loco Roco and a few MGS games. I’ve managed to get the PSP modded too so I can get into the whole homebrew scene (I still buy the UMDS
) but yeah, guilty pleasure and all, I really enjoy the PS3, it’s nice having a machine that can do HD quality films as well play games, I was going to get one anyway when MGS4 is out. I have guitar hero 3 for it too for some rocking action as well as a few bits and bobs downloaded on the PSN store. Tekken 5 dark resurrection is epic! I’m going to give the xbox 360 a miss for the time being until they fully fix their heating problems as well as make the Elite features feature on the normal white coloured 360. So yeah, loads of games to play with now haha :$.
Saturday, July 7th, 2007
Today I was able to visit my friends Jason and Rachel for a nice long day of Wii and catching up at Rachel’s house. The day went on till 11pm (wasn’t expecting it to be such a long visit) and it was amazing and typical Jason and Rachel catching up at her place type thing haha.
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Category anything | Tags: Tags: friends, games, jason, rachel,
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Tuesday, February 13th, 2007
Today I managed to trade in a few games at CEX for Warioware Smooth moves, a nunchuck and a gamecube controller (official). Not much to be honest, but warioware was defintiely fun to play. The minigames are like warioware touched in a way that it makes use of the technology available (for ds it was mic and touch screen whilst wii was the wiimote).
The games were short but fun to play. I particularly like the silly introductions of different “baton forms”. Stuff like the Mohawk or the Elephant. Cracks me up hehe.
I also ordered Zelda Twilight Princess. Should be delivered tommorow.
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Category anything, geek | Tags: Tags: games, gear,
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Monday, February 12th, 2007
Folks, be warned, if you play wii for the first time. YOU WILL KILL YOUR LIMBS.
Though saying that, I hardly worked out and did any upper body exercises, so I kinda had it coming. My whole body was sore from playing wii haha. The strange thing was that it all came lingering in action on the day after I bought the wii rather the next day. I really shouldnt swing my arms that madly when I play bowling or whatever haha.
I managed to get myself wiiplay with an extra wiimote. I played wii play with my mum a bit and she got slightly addicted to it and all.
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Category anything, geek | Tags: Tags: games, gear,
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Saturday, February 10th, 2007
Thats right, Wii for free. One of my challenges was to get a wii for a free. How would one do that? By using existing vouchers and selling games that I no longer play. Now I did spend money on these games I’ve sold. But all of them followed a strict criteria before being sold. The main one being the fact that I’ve completed the game, juiced everything you could do with it and that it’s simply left to collect dust. Might as well use it to buy a wii.
Selling games was pretty easy, GAME were selling certain games for £20 so I managed to make about £90 with 5 games. I did a few extra game sellage and I got my £164 worth of vouchers. The remaining was done through CEX.
My second problem was the availability of wii’s. They are STILL rare to purchase. As soon as they are in stock, they are sold out. This meant I had to find a clever way of buying these beauties. I viewed a few online sites to check the availability and stories on how people got their wii’s. I eventually found out that GAME do stock wii’s one a week and that they are purchased in a first come first serve basis. So the trick is to phone up every day until they have stock. It took me several days to finally get some stock. As soon as that day arrived, I was at GAME at 9.30 something ready to buy the damn thing. At first they said they DO have stock but its still waiting to be delivered, they told me to write my name on a list and that they’ll phone me up when its ready on that day.
I managed to find a Cafe Nerro and just sat there playing Trauma Center. Eventually I got a phone call saying my Wii was ready. I rushed into GAME and BAM, was a proud owner of a wii.
It was the most exciting thing ever, and the best thing was that I didnt pay any money for it haha. I felt very spoilt then hehe.

Above are some wii photos. Its far too exciting getting it set up and all, but eventually I calmed down and go down to some playing, Mii making and Wii sporting.
Some things I needed still were; another wiimote, some more games, an SD card, nunchuck and a component cable.
Wii Sports is amazing, although they’re only tech demos that came free with the wii, it was still nonetheless an awesome game. The innovation behind the wiimote was amazing. Its definitely a fresh and exciting idea of controlling stuff. Wii sports was highly addictive, I think I went nuts at it the whole day. You eventually get more subdued to the fact that you dont need to swing the wiimote excessively (unless you are determined to be in
Overall I was very impressed and happy with my purchase, it was even more satisfying getting the thing for free
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Category anything, geek | Tags: Tags: games, gear,
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Sunday, December 31st, 2006
Managed to make myself a Katamari Damacy paper figurine. The head keeps falling off so meh.

Today I’ve been doing alot of photography today, well a few anyway. Getting more and more used to the other modes on the camera. Definitely better then sticking to the bog standard ones (I usually use Programme Mode, slightly better then the auto mode). Heres one of the photo
Friday, December 29th, 2006
Today my DS Lite Browser arrived (as well as a compact flash card reader for my laptop). It came with both the DS card as well as a GBA cart for you to store some additional data into (such as cookies and favorites etc).

The browser is pretty decent, it uses Opera software and connects via Nintendo’s usual connection methods for when you want to get some wifi action. The interface itself is pretty good. It definitely takes some time getting used to. You can either use the handwriting mode or the keyboard mode to type stuff, I think I prefer the keyboard mode for now since its difficult for the software to recognise my B’s, it always confuses it as O’s or something else.
Loading is a bit tedious, but I guess it’s better then using your mobile phone or whatever when you’re out and about.
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Category anything, geek | Tags: Tags: games, gear,
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Monday, November 20th, 2006
Today I managed to stumble upon a game that I wanted to get for ages. I was wondering around Wimbledon (looking for clothes) when I managed to stumble upon Animal Crossing: Wild World, on the Nintendo DS for only £24.95 at Hmv. Usually they’d be charging £30 or more for games like these but strangely the games were now £25 each. I previously had this sort of deal before… and to be fair, I’ve had it twice, well three times haha.
First time was during the crazy promotion who were doing Nintendo deals at ridiculously low prices. DS Lites were on sale for £50 that time, however due to the fact that I already have a yummy white DS Lite, i wasnt too keen on buying it then (was trying to get one for B but failed to anyway due to IBM’s lack of superfast internal internet speed). Anyway, that was where Animal Crossing was on sale for £20. I tried so hard to buy it but the others simply beat me to it. If i had took a day off work, I would have came victorious with 3 or 4 DS Lites as well as Animal Crossing haha.
So anyway, that was the first time I managed to let Animal Crossing slip, the second time involved me receiving a £5 voucher, this was from a Daily Star promotion but was limited to the first 5000, the rest will be issued with £1 discounts (not even worth using haha). So yeah, entered…bam, too late haha. So there goes another £20 Animal Crossing deal I couldnt get, this time I blame on the fact that I didnt check “MoneySavingExperts” as often as I should. They usually do some awesome deals and all there.
Anyway, the THIRD encounter involved me walking into a Game store and finding out that Animal Crossing was only £25, however this was only on some boxes, I thought if I used my 10% student discount I would get the game to only £22.50 which was more or less the kind of price I would buy the game for (yes, its £2.50 less, but it makes me feel better that I saved £2.50 by waiting long enough haha). So anyway, I went up to the manager guy and asked if he accepts student discounts, was quite shocked to hear that he was totally fine with it (most people are unaware that you can use student discounts at game, so long you have your game card with you). So anyway, he scanned the game in and BAM… I’m sure most of you know what happens now (no he doesnt get hit by a truck, we’re in a Game store right now haha). Turns out the prices were put back up again! Which meant that for some random period they WERE £25 but later on they were risen back up. Which means I could only get it for £27 (and its only £25 online). So yet again another unsuccessful purchase.
This time I came out victorious though mwahaha, here is a lovely photo of the game, behind some of my Studio Ghibli DVDs ehehe. I’m already addicted to the game haha.

Will write a nice and long review after having a nice and long play with it for a few days