Today I bought Animal Crossing

Today I managed to stumble upon a game that I wanted to get for ages. I was wondering around Wimbledon (looking for clothes) when I managed to stumble upon Animal Crossing: Wild World, on the Nintendo DS for only £24.95 at Hmv. Usually they’d be charging £30 or more for games like these but strangely the games were now £25 each. I previously had this sort of deal before… and to be fair, I’ve had it twice, well three times haha.

First time was during the crazy promotion who were doing Nintendo deals at ridiculously low prices. DS Lites were on sale for £50 that time, however due to the fact that I already have a yummy white DS Lite, i wasnt too keen on buying it then (was trying to get one for B but failed to anyway due to IBM’s lack of superfast internal internet speed). Anyway, that was where Animal Crossing was on sale for £20. I tried so hard to buy it but the others simply beat me to it. If i had took a day off work, I would have came victorious with 3 or 4 DS Lites as well as Animal Crossing haha.

So anyway, that was the first time I managed to let Animal Crossing slip, the second time involved me receiving a £5 voucher, this was from a Daily Star promotion but was limited to the first 5000, the rest will be issued with £1 discounts (not even worth using haha). So yeah, entered…bam, too late haha. So there goes another £20 Animal Crossing deal I couldnt get, this time I blame on the fact that I didnt check “MoneySavingExperts” as often as I should. They usually do some awesome deals and all there.

Anyway, the THIRD encounter involved me walking into a Game store and finding out that Animal Crossing was only £25, however this was only on some boxes, I thought if I used my 10% student discount I would get the game to only £22.50 which was more or less the kind of price I would buy the game for (yes, its £2.50 less, but it makes me feel better that I saved £2.50 by waiting long enough haha). So anyway, I went up to the manager guy and asked if he accepts student discounts, was quite shocked to hear that he was totally fine with it (most people are unaware that you can use student discounts at game, so long you have your game card with you). So anyway, he scanned the game in and BAM… I’m sure most of you know what happens now (no he doesnt get hit by a truck, we’re in a Game store right now haha). Turns out the prices were put back up again! Which meant that for some random period they WERE £25 but later on they were risen back up. Which means I could only get it for £27 (and its only £25 online). So yet again another unsuccessful purchase.

This time I came out victorious though mwahaha, here is a lovely photo of the game, behind some of my Studio Ghibli DVDs ehehe. I’m already addicted to the game haha.

Animal Crossing: Wild Word

Will write a nice and long review after having a nice and long play with it for a few days

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