Posts Tagged ‘muse’
Muse live at Wembley Stadium 10 Sep 2010
Saturday, September 11th, 2010
There we go, loads of photos
"haha so what she beats me on ds i'll just batter her"
Saturday, September 11th, 2010
There we go, loads of photos
Sunday, November 29th, 2009
The 13th show was definitely better than the 12th, even Matt notices that and tells the crowd just that. Things were a lot tighter and the choice of songs were definitely more geared towards the fans and pushing the momentum the right way. Most likely won’t be writing a full on review on this night but it’s still worth noting a few things. Read on and whatnot…
Category anything, music, photography | Tags: Tags: muse,
Wednesday, September 16th, 2009
Hello there, it’s wednesday night for me and I’ve been jamming on the synths so i thought we can play a little game. The rules are simple, guess the songs I’m playing in this weird synth track. Kinda feel like adding some guitars in it but i’m lazy haha. Winners get a squishy hug 🙂 Ignore the title
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">Google Bookmarks,Tuesday, February 24th, 2009
Now typically I steer clear of any website clashing/wars and just stick to my own stuff and whatnot, but after reading an article from one of my fellow bloggers and close friends. I thought I’d share the article to those who aren’t fully in the know about the things behind it all and show my support for every word he’s said. It’s one of those things where you could either ignore and hope it doesn’t get worse or something you just need to start taking action on and pointing out that there is something fundamentally wrong about them.
Sunday, September 14th, 2008
Part 2 of this epic adventure that is V Festival 08 (though I doubt you have more anticipation for it now since it happened quite a while back haha). Mainly a photo dump of the actual gig. Anyway, the lineup sucked so badly that all I saw were Sugababes, a bit of Stereophonics and Muse, so lets get straight down to it
Category music, photography | Tags: Tags: gigs, muse,
Sunday, September 14th, 2008
Welcome to my lovely two part post on V Festival 2008, thought I’d separate the social part of v festival and the gig part of v into two posts to make things easier to digest, granted there’s not much to talk about in the gig section so it will probably be photo flooded whilst this one will most likely be content orientated. So yeah, after being guestlisted for the lovely v festival at Staffordshire on a Sunday, I had arranged all the travel and accomodation a few weeks in advanced to ensure things go well (“well” being i can actually get there and have a place to stay), I booked a lovely hotel at the Wolverhampton Quality Hotel (where quality is oozing from the hotel so much that the word quality popped into the name of the hotel, that’s how awesome it was!) and some tiddly train rides to Wolverhapton (was about 3 hours to Wolves but 2 hours back, silly trains). Fact was I was going for the day and wasn’t really keen in heading home early or camping (that wasn’t allowed anyway what with the wristbands and not having weekend passes). The hotel seemed like the best (and warmest) option and I was surprised that it was only £48, including bed and breakfast. I had booked a holiday for Monday to ensure I had sufficient amount of rest once I arrive home (besides I don’t think work would appreciate me coming into work all muddy and bloody from the festival (mm soft skulls).
Category music, photography | Tags: Tags: dip, friends, gem, gigs, inn, karis, kev, michael, muse, musers, paul, stu,
Tuesday, July 1st, 2008
I think it’s time to delete some of the old change logs for Musewiki. This should help make backing up a lot easier since the database is becoming pretty epic, though I suppose the main cause is actually the photos but nonetheless, a purge is in order. I shall propose to do it on the 15th of July (because I like that number) So make sure you’re not leaving out anything that needs restoring.
">Google Bookmarks,Monday, June 2nd, 2008
Lately I’ve been pondering, Muse have seriously become one of those bands where some fans just can’t get enough of the band and have to see them more than once during each tour. Of course, Muse are reknown for making stunning performances on stage and have won enough awards to pretty much be one of the best live acts in the Uk. But what makes a person take a nice plane to another new destination to see the band?
Now, to get some perspective on how dedicate some people are, I know people who’ve been to about 22 gigs for ONE TOUR. Not their entire gig list, just for one tour. I’ve seen the elderly females travel from the other side of the pond to catch an extra glimpse of the band and I’ve seen the ridiculous folks who came all the way from Japan to see them (wait a sec, that applies for all bands (and I’m still confused as to how the Japanese go on holiday so much, I hear that they seldomly use their holidays)). Feel free to beat those figures, I’m pretty sure there’s someone mad enough.
So yeah, this is more of an ask the readers on why they do it. Two of the staff on the Muse board crew are going to see Muse at Dublin so I wanted to see what your opinion is on gigging abroad, and whether it’s worth the effort of going.
I can understand people who’s hometown is hardly recognise which forces them to go other destinations but some people like me live in the city which makes it incredibly easy to catch the band a shed load of times. Anyway, get commenting.
Don’t forget to take note on the witty photo caption haha 😉
Category music | Tags: Tags: gigs, muse, travelling,