Posts Tagged ‘michelle’
Saturday, February 9th, 2008
Part 2 of the 2 gigs in one week week. I managed to catch up with Michelle to eat some sushi and check out Polysics. They were epiccly jumpy last time and this time I heard more of their stuff so will appreciate it more. The gig was excellent as usual and everyone was crazy during the gig. I took loads of photos but eventually had to hide and move from the front to the middle of the venue since the security guard caught me hehe. Luckily they couldnt confiscate my camera hehe. Anyway, here’s some photos

We went to some pub afterwards and had a chat with Michelle and her friends from Virgin. I managed to get a Big Issue card thingy the big issue sellers wear and michelle was up for wearing it and looking like a hobo hehe. All in all a good day for gigging and photo taking! The keyboardist was cute and tiny as ever! and the lead singer was fun with his engrish!
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Friday, January 4th, 2008
Went to see Murder in Monochrome with Michelle, was quite fun. Had a FOURTH nando’s meal (had one with my dad, new years and one with Alice) in a short period of time which was hilarious. We then sat at the local pub a bit before they were on. The gig was quite fun and photo taking was cooler then before (haven’t done much photo taking in a while). So yeah, enjoy the photos

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Saturday, September 8th, 2007
Today was quite a disturbingly hectic day, so many things arranged and plan in the last minute. Kazzie spoke to me on msn and asked me if I wanted to go out and have Yo Sushi! with her and Stu. I originally was going to decline the offer since I was pretty tired from Regina Spektor gig and all, thought since Michelle was also inviting me to see We Are Physics at the buffalo bar as well I decided I might as well make the day of it and have a proper day out again.

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Monday, August 13th, 2007
Stephie had planned ages ago to see Silverchair at Brixton academy, she had bought me a ticket to see them (which was very nice of her) and inn and kev were joining in on the action to go see them. So yeah, we pretty much get a meetup going on, and since Stephie doesnt come down London that often we were going to make a lovely weekend out of it.

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Wednesday, July 11th, 2007
Last Michelle invited me out to go see Howling Bells at the Bella Union 10th Anniversary gig. We managed to head to a Yo Sushi! restaurant before we went and get tuck into some nice grub as well as meet Stereophonics outside Yo Sushi! It was a surreal gig and I managed to get into some hardcore photography action since the pit was literally a free for all!
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Tuesday, June 12th, 2007
Today I was going to turn japanese haha, not only did I go out for a meal at Yo Sushi! I also managed to check out a japanese technicolour pogo punk band called Polysics. I met up with Michelle at Waterloo station where she was getting her tickets, I was almost given a £20 fine for using the South West trains! My friends kept saying how you could use oyster with it but how were they wrong! They let me off and made me buy a single fare. Phew
Anyway, we went to Picadilly Circus to visit Yo Sushi! for some sushi action. Michelle was only going to try the veggie yakisoba as well as the inari nigir (tofu nigiri). I literally went all out again with salmon nigiri (softer and meltier than the BBQ weekend sushi experience) and also have some chicken yakisoba, chicken yakitori and prawn tempura. The food was yummy, though the prawn tempura was smaller than the other times I’ve had it, it was still awesome!

Michelle wasn’t too good with chopsticks so I gave her the easier ones hehe, but she said she’ll learn in future, not to mention drink more green tea because she liked it (other time she tried ginseng tea which was a bit more strong and hardcore haha). She enjoyed her inari nigiri and yakisoba which was good, the portions were perfect for her, its all about small bites innit.
We then headed off to Liverpool Street to meet Michelle’s friend from Virgin Megastores Rene. We then found the Spitz where Polysics were playing and got stamped for guestlist stuff, unfortunately it was a bit stuffy so Michelle decided we should go out for a bit until the band starts, we went to a closeby Tescos and bought drinks before the event. We than sat around for a bit and had a talk, I was being slightly antisocial with my WAP hehe oops.
We then go into the venue to check out the band. There were on by the time we were inside the venue again. They were AMAZING, exactly how Michelle described them, the term pogo in their self categorised genre was the perfect way of describing them, everyone song was pogo headbangable! The gig was intense and exhilerating, they wore their glasses throughout the gig, during the gig the keyboardist did quite a lot of cool and cute things including shaking pom poms (cheerleader style), playing the recorder and doing loads of vocoders stuff.
I was easily able to smuggle my DSLR camera, they weren’t really checking so I could have brought a gun for all I know. Here’s a lovely selection of photos:

The band were really cute since they knew VERY VERY little Engrish (yup Engrish), they sort of get their R’s and L’s wrong so they kept saying “HERRO!” hehe. At one point the singer said “Do you know what Porysics stand for?” “Porysics stands for ROCK AND FUCKING ROWW!” whilst sticking his middle finger in front of the crowd, so yeah, that explains the photo below in case you think they were up themselves and started swearing at the crowd, he simply had no idea haha.

One of the songs was called “I My Me Mine” and featured the keyboardist playing a cute recorder riff, I really liked it hehe.

The bassist was a crazy lady too, she downed a beer in front of everyone and went nuts during a few songs hehe.

It was an amazing gig, I bought myself a wristband and am now listening to their studio stuff, Michelle said Polysics should support Muse and I totally agree with it purely because the band would actually love them, not to mention the fans.
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Friday, May 25th, 2007
Right, after the Art Exhibition came a gig at Stockwell, that’s right, twas Murder in Monochrome. Michelle was going to the gig anyway so it was nice to know I had company hehe, I asked for guestlists and got an immediate reply from Kris saying its ok. Michelle said to meet up at 9:30pm so yeah I had quite alot of hours spare to spend. I just had a long lounge at Soundcontrol making tunes and all, afterwards I had a nice sushi meal at Wasabi

Afterwards I went to Stockwell to meet up with Michelle and co, they were quite late, I had nothing to do so I quickly took random photos of the tube, one in particular was this shot
Arty? Haha, anyway, Michelle and the gang finally arrived and we went to the venue, it was a pub :O haha. Did sound like one to be honest haha. Michelle brought along Caff as well as her friend Shel and Bucjo (from the museboard). Pleasant girls, Shel in particular said how Michelle mentioned me a lot and said I was a cool guy *nods*, that I am Michelle, that I am haha. We missed a few tracks but still managed to catch them at it, was nice. The band after that (Yunioshi) was really good too so I took some photos of them too :D, typically we’d leave after the gig but I stayed a bit longer with the band and had a chat with Kris and Michelle, was a nice evening, got to know them a bit better and all. I left soon after due to last trains etc.
But yeah, some photos.. during the gig I thought my photos werent sharp enough so I started tweaking the shutter speed at like 1/250, was a silly idea, turns out I had alot of light going on and it was sharp. Damn funny eyes haha

Oh and a disco ball came out of nowhere, was random!

Here’s the photos for Yunioshi, they’re really cute hehe

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Saturday, April 14th, 2007
Today was a crazy day for gigging. Was guestlisted for Pink Grease at the Buffalo bar, one of the main reasons for going was to take photos of one of the instruments they used, it looked disturbing. Not to mention they sound pretty cool to see them and all. So yeah, I initially wanted to head to the venue and all but I strangely left the house a bit too early for my likings and decided to just lounge around central London and being a bit of a tourist.
Lounging out in London is fun. I’ve only realised that most of my childhood was spent NOT doing anything fun in London. I’m definitely taking things for granted in London and all. Its only been more apparent after the IBM placement year. Better make the most of my time spent in London and go to places that a tourist would go haha. I paid a visit to Haymarket just to take photos of Her Majesty Theatre. I really want to go see Phantom of the Opera again. Alice said she was really keen in going too so it would definitely be awesome if something was arranged after uni and all for us and inn to go check them out. Inn wants to go somewhere thats not a musical first but frankly you can’t get anything better theatre wise with Phantom. So yeah, fingers crossed that they do some cool promotion and all so we get to go 😀
Anyway, lets fastfoward a bit to the gig, right before the gig I managed to get myself a subway to eat. I had a chat with the guy serving me and asking whether he gets bored eating subway sandwiches, turns out he just brings his own food because he was a veggie and couldnt stand eating the ONE veggie sub that they have to offer hehe. I can understand why too (thats why meat is the way to go haha).
There were 4 bands up tonight, Brontosaurus Chorus, Gggrits (Yup, 3 g’s), Screaming Tea Party and Pink Grease. I’ve only seen Brontosaurus Chorus play once before, the rest are new to me. Was most surprised at how impressive these bands were when I heard them tonight.
Right lets get right into the photography haha.
Brontosaurus Chorus
Started pimping out the prime lens like last time, the problem was that the band was pretty big so I couldnt do a wide shot with everyone in it :(. Nonetheless I did take some cool shots of them 🙂

Bless them, they were awesome haha. The singer really knew how to work it with the camera. Quite alot of times she was posing and stuff in front of me whilst I took photos of her. I didnt even get to use my “make love to the camera baby” line :(. Some really good shots here. One thing I found funny was that they had a macbook out. I was thinking “hmm can macbooks run protools or logic already!?!?” only to discover that they were just using itunes to play the backing tracks hehe. The music was very dancey, I did my fair bit of dancing to compensate my lack of moving during gigs.

Screaming Tea Party
I asked Michelle what kind of band they were and she said “theres one italian drummer, and two japanese guys, they’re crazy” or something like that haha. Sounds like a crazy mash up. And yup, they were crazy. The guitarist wore a gasmask on stage and went nuts on effects (in particular the whammy and chorus/flanger). The music was really upbeat and exciting.

Pink Grease
The main act. Was here mainliy to take photos of the “machine”. Some crazy synth that one of the band member used. He uses two toothbrushes to play the thing by tapping some strings at the top of the mammoth. It was pretty exciting, they had a saxamophonist too just to really class things up. I always love it when bands have peculiar instruments at the gig, but yeah, the mammoth was definitely something haha.

The band was great, very charismatic. Though I felt very sorry for the singer, because there was some crazy chick in a blue dress who kept pulling his braces. He wasn’t happy about it. She was very VERY invasive. Totally crossed the line between a normal gigger and a loon. One part of the gig, the singer wrapped the mic cable around his neck for a laugh (rock and roll like :D) and she actually thought it would be clever for her to tug the damn cable. I think everyone during the gig wanted to give her a cunt punch haha. One part of the gig the singer just erupted and just pushed her off the stage (she was trying to get on stage and push the singer about) and I could hear him going “F**k off bitch!” really viciously. I guess singers have a limit to how much harassment you can get from crazy girls haha.
Apart from her, everything was cool. I had to use flash quite a bit for this gig but it definitely worked well with this venue. The guy who played “THE MACHINE” kept getting blinded by other photographers (and me) using their flash haha. During the encore he just wore some sunglasses to avoid getting blinded by us haha bless him.
So yeah, top notch gig, its good to visit some small bands you’ve never heard of, things are far more intimate and all.
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