Posts Tagged ‘north’
Monday, March 24th, 2008
Finally, was able to actually get this damn duck evening sorted. No idea why this event was labelled “damn duck” but inn kept hammering that line on long enough to cause the duck to be damning, plus it’s been a god damn long time to get this event sorted (3 odd months) I previously was able to book a table of 8 for 7pm for the epic duck weekend to celebrate my various achievements including graduation, job and first paycheck. Basically a lot of events crammed in one. It was hard these days to get time off, have it synchronised with everyone and pull off a big meetupmathom but somehow we managed, Inn took her time to actually decide on a date since she had to book it and her company had weird rules on it. I was flexible since it was easter period and I had planned on booking a long holiday to spend time with Alice before she heads off abroad.
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Wednesday, March 19th, 2008
I’ll be having a nice 1 week + holiday so I won’t be blogging much / at all, during that period. So yeah, thought I’d be nice and release one of my slightly hidden covers that I did last year. This is using pro tools so it’s slightly cooler but it’s all recorded pretty live which gives it that very raw edge. Unfortunately I sing in this one, this is probably the only cover you’ll ever hear me sing. I don’t like singing because my voice sucks and I don’t think it’ll get any better so yeah. First ever song where I really went all out on trying to get mixing and mastering done right, my first shot at it and all so I’m still learning. So yeah, I’ll be up north now, enjoy.
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Thursday, February 14th, 2008
I managed to book a cheeky holiday to see Alice, she was busy the entire month except this weekend so it was important that we got to see each other this weekend. It was quite a lovely one even though we hardly go out. We spent the Friday shopping for ingredients to make ourselves an epic spaghetti! We once again failed in making a correct amount of spaghetti however we simply ate the rest for breakfast. We also bought ham and bagels to make… ham bagels… The spaghetti itself was awesome, we used good old Lloyds Grossman Smokey Bacon for the sauce as well as some actual bacon pieces. It was full of flavour, an awesome and epic team effort, we should of high fived each other but that’s lame haha.
The next day we went out to the moors for walkies, I forgot to do some shouting but was too tired from walking haha, mainly because I was getting pumped for Red Chilli. I wanted to get some duck action and all! We got to Leeds rather late (damn trains and whatnot) and when we were at Red Chilli we had to wait a bit before getting seats (originally we were told to wait for an hour! bastards!) We had a lovely evening eating awesome food and laughing at other tables.
The next day we had Sunday roast, this time was pork, however I missed the crackling 🙁 it was nice nonetheless, I miss Alice’s mum’s cooking. I showed Alice and her parents the macbook too. I brought it for the weekend to convince Alice that she should get one, she seemed pretty convinced now so yeah 🙂 The weekend was pretty sweet, I’ve booked another holiday soon after when I was back work to see her on easter! Not to mention DUCK WEEKEND!
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Friday, December 21st, 2007
For Christmas, I had booked a holiday to go up north and spend it with Alice and her family. It was a pretty epic week and a bit, my birthday was spent enjoying a lovely roast yorkshire ham lunch (I hear it’s amazing) and lots of presents from Alice and her parents (for both xmas and birthday), including a Harry Potter BluRay, His Dark Materials boxset and a Howls Moving Castle art book. It was quite a fest of presents and I was able to celebrate the Xmas Day household style. It’s really nice seeing all the quirks at the house, it was full of family traditions and food. The turkey was awesome and it definitely lasted for quite some days hehe.

I also got an awesome KATAMARI BIRTHDAY cake!

It was nice watching everyone give and receive presents on Xmas day, I managed to get Alice a lovely ipod since she was thinking of getting one in the first place, granted she did pay for the warranty and chipped in £30 for it, so I suppose it wasn’t a full present :$. I was also able to check out Ikea for the first time up north, they do awesome £1 breakfast though I got myself a double breakfast since it was so cheap, the furniture was pretty awesome and I can see why people love it so much. I got Alice to get some finger puppets since they looked flippin’ awesome.
We were also able to do a quick Gourmet Burger Kitchen visit with kev and have some bingo action in Leeds, I picked a lovely BUFFALO burger which was new on the menu. It was pricey as fuck but was pretty amazing, nice and juicey. Besides it’s BUFFALO, who can resist (yup, I see you salivating you veggies haha kidding). Kev and Alice were pretty impressed by GBK too, Alice had a Oreo milkshake too which was new on the menu. Bingo night wasn’t too much of a success since we missed the early thingy and wasn’t able to win much. It’s getting slightly frustrating because it’s almost that we’re playing to win and not for the fun anymore, though it’s been a while since we’ve won and I’m dying to say “GWAR” to everyone. Maybe Inn stole all the win from everyone 🙁
The last day up north was spent at Nando’s before my train arrived, it was a lovely meal, we hadn’t had Nando’s for some time so it was pretty cool. The train journeys were spent surfing on my new E61i phone, was able to use fring as well as surf on sites via Opera Mini.
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Friday, December 21st, 2007
Going to be spending xmas and birthday up north with Alice. Really excited about it, haven’t got much to pack except my clothes though. Was going to go topshop to buy some clothes but then decided not to because i could do my shopping in leeds (plus i managed to catch a train back home AND grab myself a seat).
Bit worried about finishing off my work and handing it to someone else, hopefully it will be alright. Feel sorry for the others who have to stay and work. But yeah, travelling and stuff, really need a break too! Tonight will be proper hectic getting things packed up and ready to go. Will try and keep my attire formal as possible but i need to travel light so a big turtle neck will do to cover it all up or something. Might just wear a shirt and tie still tbh, easier plus i don’t mind wearing that.
Man it’s annoying typing so much on the tube only to find that it’s not really that much when you paste it onto the computer. Perhaps blogging isn’t the best idea unless you have proper time to spare and all!
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Sunday, November 4th, 2007
I finally got a job offer as Technical Consultant in a nice company. Salary was really nice and it was located in central London. I was able to pay Alice a quick visit since they messed up their timing on when I actually started which meant I was able to book tickets to Halifax and spend a weekend up north before finally starting my job. The weekend was simple but amazing. It was a nice feeling marking the task off finding a job on 43 things as done. You get a proper jump from it all.
Initially my job would be a Oxford Circus however we were going to move to East London (company merged with a bigger company) to enjoy a larger office at a larger company too.
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Saturday, September 15th, 2007
I decided that since I’ll be starting job hunting now, now that Alice has found herself a lovely job at Halifax (in Halifax). I believe my “holidays” need to come to an end and that I should start getting into the real world of finding a job and paying taxings like every graduate who wishes not to do their masters or doctorate. After a lengthy 30 minute thinking, I decided to plan a long visit to Alice’s place to ensure that we had enough time together and all.
The visit was slightly crippled though, mainly due to the fact that Alice’s job requires her to be at the office about 7-4 odd. Which meant that I would be spending most of that time on my own (that’s a lie, her family will be in the house most of the time). This is where productivity will see a massive boom as I ensure that the time spent when Alice is away isn’t gone to waste. I made sure that I finished blogging everything as well as start finding jobs around the end of the second week. We also had a day where we were going to spend with kev, inn, gem and paul for sushi and bingo (sushi being just with kev and inn). So yeah, quite a lovely one visit hits all plan. How could one refuse to go? (especially when Alice is living up there haha)
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Thursday, August 30th, 2007
Ever since Alice arrived back from France we were going to arrange some time to meet up and all, though since I was occupied every other Friday, it meant that I had to work my times to visit Alice around the schedule and all. We were able to have a quick Monday to Thursday visit which was fun. I met Will (Alice’s eldest brother) during my visit and got to go to Temujin once again. I was also able to have a quick meal with kev at Lucky Dragon (we had loads of yum yum dim sum and kev got some soup and beef fried rice (crazy portions though)) and at the end I was able to accompany Alice to get her A Level results (which were awesome, she got all A’s). That little visit was short but nonetheless significant. One thing that neither of us knew was going to happen was that me and Kev were going to buy tickets to Leeds Festival for the Friday date to see Smashing Pumpkins and Nine Inch Nails (and in my case, see Alice and tell her Happy Birthday).

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