I managed to book a cheeky holiday to see Alice, she was busy the entire month except this weekend so it was important that we got to see each other this weekend. It was quite a lovely one even though we hardly go out. We spent the Friday shopping for ingredients to make ourselves an epic spaghetti! We once again failed in making a correct amount of spaghetti however we simply ate the rest for breakfast. We also bought ham and bagels to make… ham bagels… The spaghetti itself was awesome, we used good old Lloyds Grossman Smokey Bacon for the sauce as well as some actual bacon pieces. It was full of flavour, an awesome and epic team effort, we should of high fived each other but that’s lame haha.
The next day we went out to the moors for walkies, I forgot to do some shouting but was too tired from walking haha, mainly because I was getting pumped for Red Chilli. I wanted to get some duck action and all! We got to Leeds rather late (damn trains and whatnot) and when we were at Red Chilli we had to wait a bit before getting seats (originally we were told to wait for an hour! bastards!) We had a lovely evening eating awesome food and laughing at other tables.
The next day we had Sunday roast, this time was pork, however I missed the crackling it was nice nonetheless, I miss Alice’s mum’s cooking. I showed Alice and her parents the macbook too. I brought it for the weekend to convince Alice that she should get one, she seemed pretty convinced now so yeah
The weekend was pretty sweet, I’ve booked another holiday soon after when I was back work to see her on easter! Not to mention DUCK WEEKEND!
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