Posts Tagged ‘hardware’
Sunday, June 6th, 2010

Thats right, instead of socialising like normal people do us apple crazed geek muser fanzoids enjoyed a casual game of scrabble with the ipad. We managed to get 3 iphones going. I won both games 😉 Who would have thought “Zex” was a word, and to land on a triple word tile 🙂
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Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

Well, this was what I bought, a Canon 5d Mkii. It is, in my opinion, the best digitial DSLR camera out there right now, packing all the best features for a DSLR camera including a meaty 21megalopixel count, amazing noise reduction, hd movie recording, full frame goodness, a decent 3.9 fps burst shot, live view, 3inch lcd screen with 900k pixel LCD and loads more packed in a tiny "compact" form factor. This camera will last me quite a long time and will provide an ungodly amount of flexibility to what I can do (including shoot those damn HD movies).
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Thursday, March 19th, 2009

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It’s like sophie’s choice but for geeks. After purchasing emmeee, I’ve had my mind set on buying some extravagant instead of focusing on the ickle things, so I’m stuck with 2 objects of desire, an Apple Mac Pro 2.26ghz 8 core desktop computer or a Canon 5d mk ii Full Frame DSLR camera. If you know neither of these products you might as well stop reading now.
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Monday, March 9th, 2009

Ladeees and gentlefolk, let me introduce you to my new travelling companion, Emmeee! Since my old laptop is with someone else I thought I’d get myself a laptop for times where I’m travelling, visiting folks, or wanting to kill infected zombies and go on instant messenger at the same time to talk about said killings.
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Monday, February 23rd, 2009

That’s not the hard drive I’m getting btw, but yes! On Friday I ordered myself a lovely 1.5 terrobyte (mmm terror) for my PC. It seems that going to so many gigs can really put a strain on my hard disk, especially when I come home with 4gb of RAW photos. They take up quite a lot of memory so yeah, rather than trying to find something to delete everytime I upload something, I best get myself a meaty new hard disk to solve this problem once and for all. Will be doing some late night blogging to make sure I’m up to date. I’ve realised that it really looks like I haven’t done much due to lack of blogging activity but nope, been gigging like crazy and had no time to write about it. Except loads of updates in a bit!
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Saturday, November 8th, 2008

A few weeks ago my coworker went to New York, and I was in a gear buying mood (having asked to purchase a 28mm f1.8 USM lens from another coworker earlier on) so I did some camera bag researching since my current Canon one was a bit dated and crumply (funny how I should use the word crumply). Anyway, after much research I found out these “Crumpler” bags which were not only built for cameras (so filled with compartments and waterproof etc), but look very stylish and avoids screaming out the typical “I’m a LOWEPRO CAMERA BACK, I PROBABLY HAVE SOME HARDCORE GEAR INSIDE SO COME ON IN! STEAL ME WHILST I’M OFF PHOTOLISING MYSELF ON TOP OF A HEYSTACK!” (apologies for the painful use of caps and apologies Inn to her lovely shot of her on a heystack (but it defintiely made me think about random farmers coming to steal your gear whilst you’re on top of that thing). The selection was unfortunately limited in the UK so I thought I’d venture into the US for my dream camera bag, and out came the 6 million dollar home.
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Saturday, November 8th, 2008

mmmm 320 gigalo bytes
Ickle post, I bought myself a lovely 320gb 2.5inch hard drive to replace my PS3’s harddrive. I wanted to fit a lot of TV shows, photos and videos on my ps3 and felt my PS3 is really struggling with the capacity. It was bugging me, if I wanted to watch a film or whatnot I would have to copy it into a CF or SD card and actually play the thing on the flash card instead of the HDD since it was brimming with videos and whatnot. Games were also starting to pile up so I thought it was best to start investing in a bigger hard drive for my multimedia needs. I bought the badboy from and it arrived pretty promptly at the office. Everything was fine and dandy until I started trying to upgrade the damn HDD. After removing all my music from my ipod to backup my PS3 I was stuck trying to unscrew the damn screws that was securing the HDD to the caddy. I pretty much stripped all 4 screws, leaving the thing stuck. Crapsticks. A lot of searching for alternative screwdrivers was involved and I ended up staying up till 4am finding screwdrivers until I gave up, I resorted in synching my ipod with a fixed playlist of music since my backup stuff were still in the ipod and I didn’t have enough room to store all my music (which was why I was stubborn enough to go searching for screwdrivers in the middle of the night because I wanted to have my music back). I went to sleep, hoping I will be able to solve this damn mess.
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