Posts Tagged ‘friends’
Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

Site plug alert: My friend nic made a blog (i provided him with the hostin g:D), he’s an amazing photographer and does the cutest and coolest shots that will make you scratch your chin to how he managed to pull that one off, make sure you check out his site to see what he’s up to in the world of photography (or the world in general, whatever floats his boat). On other news, do check my 365 set for my latest outgoings and whatnot. I will start doing catch up blogs on gigs I’ve been to a few months ago (teehee).
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Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Crazy calendar updates!
Time flies at a ridiculous rate when you’re busy. Already we’re in mid November and getting ready for the start of Christmas, winter coats, bankruptcy, roasted poultry, mind games and the lovely end to a crazy and eventful year. When peering at my Google Calender, I quickly skipped back to the previous month to see what I’ve been up to and boy was it a crazy month, though you’ve probably noticed that already with the sudden abundance of blog posts 😉 Since October was such an amazingly packed month I thought I’d write a big fat summary post of it all, kinda like a catch up post for those who check less frequently or for those who’ve just started reading. So yeah, lets rewind the tape and go back to first of October, 2008, no idea if you can click on all the links but I’ll take my time to link up to EVERYTHING so it all makes sense!
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Sunday, November 9th, 2008

As hinted in earlier posts, uka paid England a visit and took a eurostar (an eurostar sounds weird) to see us british folk. For those who don’t know him he’s an amazing photographer who does ickle macro photography and lomo photography. He’s got his own style down to a science and pays quite a lot of attention to detail. But yes, do check his flickr account and see for yourself. I personally love his macro photography but right now he’s getting into the serious world of film and lomo photography (which is also brilliant). Anyway, he had a whole trip planned out in which he made sure he visited all the famous London sights (ie Topshop) and meet up with a few photography friends (including me, Alice and Inn). To be fair his visit was originally to visit Alice but I managed to find a way of yanking him over for a day in London to meet up with the other folks.
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Sunday, November 9th, 2008

Yup, facebook napkins!
“Bob has been drinking google, listening to digg and wiping facebook.“
One of my rather cryptic messages I posted on facebook a while ago. Don’t think people really got why I said that, so let me explain in a form of an event I went to. I was invited by Stuart to go check out diggnation, a geeky show talking about articles found on digg hosted by Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht. It was once again, one of my geeky days where I felt like checking out proper nerdy events, even a coworker was going so it had to be worth visiting. The actual event held was talking about Web Apps and whatnot but most people were merely interested in the Diggnation event which was free (and we love free events don’t we!!! YEAH we do!). So yeah, on with the show.
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Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

Photomonth preview event!
After reading a flickr blog entry about a photomonth preview event happening close by to work, it was a preview night to show case some photos as part of the photomonth… month. I decided to make an evening of it all. My friend m was coming over to meet me that day so I thought she’d appreciate the photos and free drinks before we go out for a meal somewhere. The gallery was pretty close to Rough Trade East, and from the 3 or 4 trips to the place I no longer required google maps to aid me from finding the place. I met with my friend near where I worked and walked with her to the gallery (stopped by for some book browsing and toilet breakage).
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Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

Just came back from an awesome day out with uka and inn, here’s a sneaky shot of us in action (no idea who’s idea was it but I love it haha). Will write a proper day event this week as well as photos 😀
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Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

Monday shall be an epic day 🙂
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Sunday, September 14th, 2008
Welcome to my lovely two part post on V Festival 2008, thought I’d separate the social part of v festival and the gig part of v into two posts to make things easier to digest, granted there’s not much to talk about in the gig section so it will probably be photo flooded whilst this one will most likely be content orientated. So yeah, after being guestlisted for the lovely v festival at Staffordshire on a Sunday, I had arranged all the travel and accomodation a few weeks in advanced to ensure things go well (“well” being i can actually get there and have a place to stay), I booked a lovely hotel at the Wolverhampton Quality Hotel (where quality is oozing from the hotel so much that the word quality popped into the name of the hotel, that’s how awesome it was!) and some tiddly train rides to Wolverhapton (was about 3 hours to Wolves but 2 hours back, silly trains). Fact was I was going for the day and wasn’t really keen in heading home early or camping (that wasn’t allowed anyway what with the wristbands and not having weekend passes). The hotel seemed like the best (and warmest) option and I was surprised that it was only £48, including bed and breakfast. I had booked a holiday for Monday to ensure I had sufficient amount of rest once I arrive home (besides I don’t think work would appreciate me coming into work all muddy and bloody from the festival (mm soft skulls).

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Category music, photography | Tags: Tags: dip, friends, gem, gigs, inn, karis, kev, michael, muse, musers, paul, stu,
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