Posts Tagged ‘apple’
Friday, June 25th, 2010
You can practically hump this bad boy. Saw a video of the green bumper on a black iPhone, made me shriek a bit. Plus it will fun watching folks complain about the antenna and yellow blotch issues ^_^
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Sunday, June 6th, 2010

Thats right, instead of socialising like normal people do us apple crazed geek muser fanzoids enjoyed a casual game of scrabble with the ipad. We managed to get 3 iphones going. I won both games 😉 Who would have thought “Zex” was a word, and to land on a triple word tile 🙂
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Sunday, March 9th, 2008

Bought a new monitor so I thought I’d show off my desk hehe, it’s a lovely 24inch widescreen monitor, got myself a nice graphics card to compliment it too. Hopefully this will improve my productivity at home.
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Saturday, December 8th, 2007
I love listening to music, so a decent mp3 player is needed for my 1 hour commute to work, so I decided to get myself a 80gb ipod classic. Beforehand I was pretty against to iPods since their battery life and fault rate was horrific. However these days the battery life is awesome and for the price you’re getting a pretty awesome deal (come on, 80gb for £160). I however opted to get myself some warranty to ensure that if this thing DOES break, I can get it repaired or replaced. So yeah with an extra £30 on 3 year warranty at Argos I got myself an ipod. It’s pretty cool, cover flow rocks (glad I have album art sorted) and it was nice and slim. Travelling is now a godsend. I will still use my iriver when I need to do some recordings hehe.
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Wednesday, October 18th, 2006
Last night kev tried to persuade me into buying a mac mini, since the flagship model has 1.8ghz Duo core processor and a slightly alright harddrive, I was very tempted to get that NOW instead of waiting for some miracle to happen in order to buy a 20 inch imac. BUt unfortunately I managed to come to my senses in terms of performance you can get with an imac compared to a mac mini. With a mac mini you’d need to have it bloated up good and proper with ram upgrades etc in order to get it to function properly.
Having additional reads I’ve also found out that macs have an emulator type thing called Rosetta which allows the macs to run applications which are native to PowerPC architectures. Now if you’re wondering why I mentioned this, after reading several reviews, it seems like Rossetta is very processor consuming, it takes more energy for it to run applications that are not Universal (runs both PowerPC and Intel) so applications such as Photoshop (which still isnt converted into a Universal Binary) will be running as slow as a green snake on a sugar cane field.
So yeah, though I wont be using photoshop (already researched on using Gimp on a mac), its not a good idea to wait a bit more until most of the applications are ported AND (more importantly) I can afford it haha.

Another good thing about stalling the time you purchase something is the fact that they upgrade every so often, If i was silly enough to have purchased a mac a few months ago, I would have got an Intel Duo Core 1 processor instead of Intel Duo Core 2 (though the performance is only improved by a tiny bit). Gargh, i just wish I had some money haha. Would like to ironically work at apple store haha (though I’d be rather arsey there, plus I’d have to travel alot to get there *sigh*)
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Tuesday, October 17th, 2006
My razer mouse has arrived woo! Came through the post quite early then I had expected. Was very excited and pleased about the product, you can DEFINITELY see and feel the difference between a 1600dpi mouse and a lousy 400dpi one. First things you’ll have to tweak about is the sensitivity, as the slightest move can get your mouse half way off the screen haha. Managed to install the drivers and configure the buttons and all.
One of the bad things about the Razer mouse however is the fact that buttons 4 and 5 of the mouse are fixed to the mouse (ie you can only assign them as on the left and right hand side of the mouse, not on both on one side like my previous mouse). This meant that forwarding pages will need to take a wee bit more effort.
I’ve tried using the mouse for gaming, image making and general browsing, it definitely proves the most useful out of them all for image making, picture the amount of times you’ve spent dragging a box and trying to make sure you get the dimensions right in terms of pixels, this mouse makes it a breeze, especially if you turn the sensitivity down so that your mouse moves incredibly slow so you know whats going on.
The mouse looks pretty sweet next to my keyboard, I think I’ll take a photo of it when I get my z120 camera back haha
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Monday, October 16th, 2006
Today I managed to hand in my project proposal. Twas a fairly easy job and all which was good.
With loads of time to spend before my next lecture i thought I’d just piss about on the computers in some random computer room. one thing that caught my eye however was the fact that there was a load of mac computers in the room i was in, definitely had too give them fuckers a go so i logged off my computer and had a go on them, do note that they’re “emacs” haha so they’re slightly slower then the ones you see at the apple store and all, managed to take a screenshot of myself blogging atm so here it is

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Friday, October 13th, 2006
Probably one of the dirtiest things you can ever do to pretend that you have a mac. No not change your background image to OSX’s default wallpaper, or skin your desktop environment via windows blinds or gnome art. They simply dont suffice in immitating the sleakness of a mac, your keyboard still stinks hahah. This is where the apple keyboard comes into play, for just £19 you could get yourself a nice and yummy white apple keyboard for your pc :D.
Managed to shop for one at John Lewis after uni, was happy that I got one, the damn thing is so sleak, not only that, it actually fits my keyboard slide thingy on my table. I’ll take some decent photos in future, but for now, suffice with a nice photo of them apple keyboards
So yeah 😀

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