Tuesday, May 6th, 2008
Everytime I come back home from shopping I realise that I return with a handful of excess shopping bags, these are usually thrown away or put into bad used since I simply have nowhere to put them. I’ve noticed lately that HMV now asks you whether you’d like a bag or not instead of handing you a bag in ensure you’re only getting it if you actually need it. I think the idea is awesome and I’ve started to make sure that I’m saying no when it’s appropriate. So yeah, though this would be a good goal to achieve. Nothing to measure it by really but I suppose I’ll review this in 6 months time and see whether or not I’ve reduced the number of shopping bags I’ve picked up from my room.
I would advise you all to do the same since it does do a little good for the planet, plus people can see what epic films you are getting :p. I’ll think of some more environmental friendly projects to do since I do get a nicer feeling everytime I say no to shopping bags.
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Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008
I suppose with a trip to Paris it deserves a lovely to do list before I head off. Don’t want to forget anything since I hardly get to holiday much. If you can think of more things to add or places you’d recommend feel free to comment, especially those native people 🙂 (though it’s a bit late :()
Anyhow, here’s a list of things I need to bring/pack/buy:
- Tickets
- Passport
- Wallet
- Phone (emergancies and pre/post paris)
- Euro adaptors (got 2 woo)
- Euros
- Tripod and remote/ext (want to take some scenary shots with me and Alice in them)
- dslr with all memory cards (raw baby)
- Clothes
- Toothbrush etc
- ipod
- ipod charger adaptor (phone and ipod uses usb!)
Here are places to go and things to do, feel free to suggest anything, Alice won’t read this hehe:
- Eiffel fucking tower
- Take stereotypical photo of it and perhaps lash kev’s photo of it
- Go cafe’ing inside Eiffel
- Buy a small eiffel tower for Alice
- The lourve
- That arc thingy
- Buy a beret! Need to look like a native french person :p
- Make fists with feet on carpet, die hard style (not plane trip but meh, it’s a tradition)
- Try a snail nigiri
- Some candlelit action, either small restaurant or picnic
- french bread, nom nom
- check out opera house del phantom
Well, I actually did everything I put on the list so that’s pretty epic 🙂
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Monday, March 31st, 2008

Everytime I visit quidco.co.uk I go “doh”. It’s an awesome site for saving some money with the whole affiliate incentive and I feel like I’m wasting the opportunity when I’ve realised I’ve not been using it to purchase stuff on play.com or whatever. So yeah, as a new 43thing, I’m hopefully going to get this damn thing sorted!
But yeah, already I’ve managed to preorder final fantasy 7 crisis core via play.com with quidco so woo!
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Friday, February 29th, 2008

A portrait of someone who doesn’t want to be seen. Unlike most people who’ve got a portrait of themselves somewhere uploaded online, I always choose not to have my photos shown. I’m simply an online avatar until you’ve actually met me, nothing can ever beat meeting a someone in person. This is a submission to the Musers’ Playground
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Friday, December 23rd, 2005
Today was a fun day, came back from work yesterday and hopefully this will kickstart the whole holiday and all. We booked tickets to see Phantom of the Opera :D. Been dying to see them now so woohoo. Most of the time was spent in Picadilly Circus, think we went to a chinese resturant to eat some duck.

After we were stuffed and all we was off to see Phantom of the Opera. The show was amazing! The stage was amazing and the singers were pretty fun. I wanted to sing but B didnt let me hehe. Really made my dream come true hehe.
[Will post more]
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