Posts Tagged ‘websites’
Saturday, October 11th, 2008

Flickr integration, thanks to the lovely Flickr Photo Album Plugin
Thought I’d update you on some new features here and there on the blog, nothing worth talking about but you know, if I keep talking about gigs you’d think I’m not actually a geek! There’s still lots of backend stuff that I occasionally do out of curiosity and for coding pleasures (mmm code). Today I’ve been doing a bit of plugin shopping and downloaded/installed two useful plugins, a flickr photo album plugin and a google site map plugin. The latter is mainly used for informing google and other search engines of newly updated posts and whatnot, I’m not really seeing any immediate benefit from it but I hear it’s useful *shrugs*, I kinda got bored reading it’s use on wikipedia (and I find it weird how my readers are actually reading this for me if they dare click on the wikipedia article).
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Thursday, March 6th, 2008
So linking back to the previous post regarding musewiki, should there be a forum for it? Granted I’m a fond user and moderator of the official message board and quite reluctant to change,the idea is still nonetheless a floating one and is considerable. The only doubt is that there’s not enough social side of musewiki than I’ve hoped it would be. It would be nice to be able to add more opinionated and social comments about Muse related things, I could see huge discussions on Muse Haarp or them playing at V or something.
Of course this would have to be fully separated between factual and thoughts / perspectives. This is where perhaps a forum could be implemented, to really speak out to people and get some intellectual posts going on. I don’t think both the official board and other sites have too many good posts without being polluted with n00bish posts. So yeah, this is the idea, I’ll get some feedback from you guys and from there we’ll work out the feasibility of it all, if the plans go ahead I will get a donation thing going to actually purchase the board. I am not fond of the free boards out there (phpbb comes to mind) since they require constant care and are open to attacks so a full license to vBulletin will be needed which comes at a hefty £90 for the license. So yeah, quite a lot of things to consider. I don’t think there’s enough of a demand for a message board but who know’s best see what you guys think and we can work from there.
If you have any thoughts on a musewiki forum, feel free to comment here.

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Saturday, March 1st, 2008
March 1st 2006 was an epic day for musewiki, being launched and everything. Now it’s been 2 years and we can see tremendous amount of growth from our friendly editable fansite with the 3000 odd people visiting the site to over 40,000. So yeah let’s recap on some highlights of the year:
We would like to again welcome two new sysops into the team, 7 and Susurr0. Their hard work on the wiki won’t go unnoticed so the promotion was a must, thanks once again for keeping the place clean. Of course let’s not forget Tene, our musewiki big brother. He definitely knows his stuff (was going to use another s word but I’ll keep the vocab clean) and is another key player in the community.
Of course everyone else who’s worked on the wiki should deserve a pat on the back, the wiki wouldnt survive without such a big fanbase to keep the place in tip top shape.
We’ve had some new extensions installed on the wiki as well as more style upgrades to the wiki, we’re hoping to ensure that our site becomes more distinguishable with other wiki’s as well making the information easier to read (and pretty, who could forget pretty?).

I am also happy that our news is now published through my blog It means I don’t need to deal with finding an easy way of clearing the current place up. Not only will there be updates on the site but also articles about the band or the muse commnuity, I think there needs to be more blogs and articles related to Muse that offer a more opinionated point of view, no other fansites seem to be allowing users to submit their own non-news articles, it’s all facts and news. So yeah, I’m pushing on getting some people to start publishing articles on the site and use the momentum of to allow users to read it. I think it will definitely work since quite a lot of success was made on from articles such as 4th album theory by Max and the legend that is the Matt sex face. So yeah, if you feel like publishing articles similar to 4th album theory or my recent articles about Royal Albert Hall, then start sending me stuff to publish, you’ll get full credit and editorial rights to the blog if you have more articles that are interesting to read.
So what stuff can we see this year? Well what do you want folks? Feel free to post comments on future changes to the wiki and hopefully I can roll out stuff that’s feasible. I’m hoping to overhaul certain places to ensure everything is easier to read. I might get that damn logo sorted once and for all and I might look into getting a forum setup, granted the idea of a forum might end up in an epic fail since the official board is the best forum out there still, but yeah, just an idea. You’re more than welcome to suggest some 🙂
So yeah, thank you once again for making Musewiki the most awesome site there is for Muse and we’ll hope you’ll enjoy you stay, it’s good to have you with us, even if it’s just for the day (oh yes I went there)
On another note, I’ve also upgraded the wiki to the latest version, no significant changes I’m afraid just some bug fixes and whatnot.
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Friday, February 22nd, 2008
Hello folks, don’t know how much you’ve been checking out my site for updates and all but I am proud to say that is finally back! As announced on my blog (well you’re reading it now) I’m migrating my blog to since it makes perfect sense. I’ve recently got a job so it was simply too hard to manage so many sites in one go, now I will be able to manage both my blogging and muse updates in one. This won’t be an entirely Muse related blog since I’m very sure you have more awesome sites (microcuts, and musewiki) for your news reporting. It wouldnt be a good idea to release a site to simply repeat what other more experienced and developed sites report. So yeah, makes sense.
The selling point (or niche) is you’ll be getting a informal array of posts about Muse from an old time Muse fan who’ve seen them far too many times. More insights and discussion fuelled posts which you won’t get on other sites. I want to keep my vibe from the old site of having a site about musers, and not Muse. I will also integrate my musewiki updates on here which will in turn feed into the wiki to keep those who like to wiki informed of new developments, got to love integration eh?
Not only will I be updating about Muse here, I will start redoing my covers here and give them some life. That was the original purpose of my site so it’s only fair to start doing them again. I’m looking at using various sites such as youtube and myspace to host and spread my covers too so hopefully it will be awesome. Some songs were simply too cringeworthy so hopefully you’ll see a new refresh of covers that I’m happy about :).
Think that’s about it, enjoy the new site, more changes of the blog can be found on my previous posts. Read my old personal posts too if you want 😉 get to know more about me and my horrid past haha. Will be looking forward to giving you more unadulterated blog action. Hope you enjoy my new theme, take care and hope to see you soon (yes my blog is a living entity capable of “seeing you”).
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Wednesday, February 20th, 2008
Managed to make myself a skin, it was almost built from scratch since i used a pretty minimalistic theme. I went with a blue and green theme since they’re my favorite colours. I’ve added some katamari backdrops to really make the theme come out. The theme is still in the making, I haven’t even finished the top part yet.
I’ve pretty much backed up so what’s left now is to finish the blog theme and start migrating. Quite excited since I feel like I’m not really making the most out of so migrating stuff from my blog seems like a cool idea. I just need a lovely place to dunk my covers and I can generate some flash player to play them (loads of people are using my songs for their sites and all :(). Another thing I’m worried about is the amount of spam and crap that’s been generated via, boy that was a legacy. Luckily wordpress is a beauty at managing spam. So yeah content you’ll be expecting on my blog:
- Muse related information, I’ll only post stuff that are super interesting, I prefer using to sort out the news since it rocks (hehe got to love self promotion).
- Musewiki news, I have a news section on the wiki but it would definitely benefit if it was stored in some more blog like than wiki
- Feeds seems to be the key for getting these things right, I’ll be generating individual category feeds so people can subscribe to the correct ones, so if you’re only interested in my banter (fat chance) than you’ll subscribe to banter, if you’re interested in musewiki updated than you subscribe to that, of course there would still be a one feed that will rule them all.
- The obvious addition will be covers, having the blog migrated to means I’ll need to start recording more music, I’m quite tempted to just making youtube videos of them all so it can all be hosted externally, we’ll see.
- A new email address! The old crazybobbles was spammed silly haha.
- I might start a music myspace account. Reason is that it’s by far the most productive way of storing latest covers as well as distributing them, and lets face it, I never use myspace correctly, won’t do facebook though, wouldnt work too well.
- Some focus on photography as well, I will try and include more flickr photos on the blog (got to love the blog feature) will focus on band photography but to be honest I’ll try everything that’s interesting.
That’s all for now, I’m just writing out ideas so yeah. Will hopefully incorperate everything mentioned since it’s all doable. Blogging will definitely easier since I’m really enjoying blogging on the tube, nice hour spot to get something done and all.
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Tuesday, February 19th, 2008
Well, after some thought (ie a quick idea on the tube) I’ve decided to move all of crazybloggles to It’s a much nicer domain and I want to be able to give something back to my old site since I havent updated that in ages and moving the blog seems like a good idea. I will most likely pick a totally new blog skin to accomodate the change and will export the entire rather than a straight forward move, hopefully this will make things a bit more fun haha. So yeah, it will be an awesome move and it should make me blog more and everything.
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Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007
I’m really starting to appreciate the use of RSS feeds and a feed reader. I used to use the live bookmark feature in firefox to check out for news but now it seems to be tedious to use since you need to click on it in order to check if anything is new. Now that I’m using Google Reader all I need to do is load that baby up and bam! All my feeds are there! Anything new can instantly be noticed (rather than occasionally slipping the odd news when I’m not clicking them live bookmarks). I’ve been pimping the thing up with loads of feeds including Muse news, NME news, some random comics, geek news (LOADS of it), blog entries from friends, social networking updates (mainly facebook tbh) and photography news. I hardly check the sites anymore, just read it on google reader 🙂
I would recommend people to get Google Reader going. I would recommend a software based RSS reader like RSSOwl or even Outlook but it’s just a lot nicer and easier to manage when you do it all online (seems like the way forward these days, what with web office etc). So yeah! Get yourself a gmail account if you haven’t already and go nuts on Google Reader 😀
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Wednesday, September 26th, 2007
Oh dear, the amount of abuse you can do with this bad boy! I’ve been using it just last night and have already got a few people using it. It’s a bit like the status feature on facebook, it’s a mobile and online presence tool that shows you what you’re going exactly, a bit like microblogging but in a mobile environment as well.
The bit you need to abuse the most is definitely the mobile part of it, for UK folks you can get text notifications of other people’s status’ which means you can stay disturbingly updated with people and all. Not only that, it’s also a gateway for free texting if you’re online since you can send direct messages to people they would receive it via their mobile. So yeah, my profile is if you want to follow what’s going on and all. Oh yeah
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