Posts Tagged ‘travel’
Tuesday, June 24th, 2008
Turns out I’ll be going back to New York again. This time it’ll be a quick sneak trip from Tuesday to Friday. I don’t feel as excited as I should be, perhaps I will tomorrow. I suppose a checklist is in order? Not sure whether I’ll get to do much there, will probably get a cheeky visit to MoMA but that’s about it. Anyway, on to the list:
- Suitcase
- Some big bucks
- Travel documents: Passport, tickets
- Clothes for travelling (sunny)
- Sunglasses
- Toilet stuff
- Psp and usb cable
- iPod and usb cable
- Phone and usb cable
- Tripod!
- Usb to mains adaptor (otherwise we have no use for usb cables)
- Dslr camera (no need for charger)
- Notebook
- Company laptop
I think that’s about it. Keeping it nice and simple. Anymore and it will destroy me. It’s going to be nice and sunny so yay! Was going to get a giant mug that says “I <3 NY” but I’ll wait until someone makes an “I <3 My Tissues” mug haha.
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Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008
I suppose with a trip to Paris it deserves a lovely to do list before I head off. Don’t want to forget anything since I hardly get to holiday much. If you can think of more things to add or places you’d recommend feel free to comment, especially those native people 🙂 (though it’s a bit late :()
Anyhow, here’s a list of things I need to bring/pack/buy:
- Tickets
- Passport
- Wallet
- Phone (emergancies and pre/post paris)
- Euro adaptors (got 2 woo)
- Euros
- Tripod and remote/ext (want to take some scenary shots with me and Alice in them)
- dslr with all memory cards (raw baby)
- Clothes
- Toothbrush etc
- ipod
- ipod charger adaptor (phone and ipod uses usb!)
Here are places to go and things to do, feel free to suggest anything, Alice won’t read this hehe:
- Eiffel fucking tower
- Take stereotypical photo of it and perhaps lash kev’s photo of it
- Go cafe’ing inside Eiffel
- Buy a small eiffel tower for Alice
- The lourve
- That arc thingy
- Buy a beret! Need to look like a native french person :p
- Make fists with feet on carpet, die hard style (not plane trip but meh, it’s a tradition)
- Try a snail nigiri
- Some candlelit action, either small restaurant or picnic
- french bread, nom nom
- check out opera house del phantom
Well, I actually did everything I put on the list so that’s pretty epic 🙂
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Saturday, January 26th, 2008
One of the main topics of discussion when talking about New York at the office with the New York folk is talking about what differences New York has over ye olde London. Most of them are well known but it’s a lot cooler when you experience it first hand, anyway here’s the list of things I’ve noticed when I’m in New York… and ONLY things I’ve noticed:

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Monday, January 21st, 2008
Work have been lovely by provided me a lovely all expenses paid trip to New York. It was the first time I will be flying on an airplane and more importantly, it’s been a long time since I’ve been abroad! Most of the week was work related however during the evenings I was able to catch loads of places out and do as much touristing as I could. I believe the main theme of new york was to really abuse the tourist status as well as recreate as many things “Friends” related as possible! I don’t know but it just seemed that Friends was one of the first thing that comes to mind when you think of New York and since I’m quite a fan of the show I was hoping to do as many things that had a Friends reference. I’m going to embed them within the post, see how many you can get and post them on the comments section 😉
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Monday, January 21st, 2008
This will hopefully be my list of things I should do, buy and go when I’m at New York…
Things to do:
Arrive at the hotel room and make fists with my feet on the carpet, John McClain style!
Things to buy:
Over the top new york merchandise (statue of liberty hat)
Places to go:
Any old pizza place
Grand Central Terminal
Radio City Music Hall
- In and out burger
- Hello Deli
Empire State Building
Times Squire
- 5th Avenue
Broklyn Bridge
- MoMA
Things to eat
- KFC wing bucket!
Hot dogs
The ones crossed out were done 🙂
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Monday, January 21st, 2008
Well, kinda all packed up and ready to go now, granted it’s now 4am in the morning and I doubt I can get any proper sleep. Funny how I can’t seem to stuff my suitcase full of stuff, hopefully it’ll be nice and full when I come back (and hopefully not filled with JUST lucky charms haha). Not really set on things to do and see so I’ll just post them up here and hopefully people can post on what they think I should do so I can check it out and go 🙂 Would really appreciate it if you can all start listing them because I want to really make the most out of my trip to New York.
Actually I’ll just post that on another post, this will be my goodbye post hehe. Anyway, I think the thing that will drive me mad most is when I’m up in New York is company (or a lack of). Hopefully I can phone up Kiernan when everyone else is asleep hehe (she doesnt mind :p). But otherwise it will be around 7.30 where I’ll have a sneaky skype with people before I head off to work (mmm 10 minute trip).
It is going to be weird travelling by air for the first time. Luckily I’m going with a manager so I’m not on my own cocking up or something. The films on board are pretty cool too, I can watch either Atonement, Control or Rush Hour 3 (might do all 3) but chances are I’ll be sleeping most of the flight due to the fact that I’m still up typing this and getting ready.
So yeah, farewell London. Will be back Sunday morning feeling perhaps slightly jetlagged and maybe hungry for some sushi (though there’s a sushi bar in my hotel which I’m very keen in visiting hehe). No idea why I’m even posting this because I will clearly get wireless in my hotel room and surf the internet when I’m back home from doing whatever hehe. So yeah, goodbye folks.
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Friday, January 18th, 2008
Right, being stuck in the tube due to signal delays allow me time to write a quick and dirty todo list and things to pack list for when I goto New York. Not excited about it yet, still feeling calm as a cow (and boy that’s CALM), guess I’ll only start feeling excited when I’m on the plane for the first time hehe.
Anyway, here’s the list, sadly I honestly don’t need much, only clothes and other bits and bobs:
Things to bring:
- Plane tickets
- Passport
- Wallet with some $$
- Travel insurance documents
- Laptop from work
- Clothes
- Toilet stuff :p
- Suitcase
- Dslr Camera and extra CF cards / charger
- Travel guide for New York
- 3 odd travel adaptors
- Phone
- iPod and cable (laptop needs itunes)
Things to do
- Check if theres a suitcase available, if not buy
That’s the list for now, will add more whenever needed
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Wednesday, January 9th, 2008
It appears that I’ll be going to New York on the 21st. I’m going with a work colleague so the journey won’t be solo so that’s good. Quite excited about it all since I haven’t went abroad in quite some time, the only time when i had a chance to go was when there was a spare ticket to Sweden, shame i had interviews then and a lack of a valid passport which rendered me stuck in England.
I’ll be staying at the tudor hotel, it looks pretty fancy I must say, raddison at lexington. Hope they have free wifi there for the early morning or evening browsings but i suppose I should be going sightseeing on evenings just to make the most of my visit.
there’s nowt places i really want to go to tbh, I suppose it will be fun to visit the museum of modern art and hopefully check out art tatooed onto fat guys hehe. Central park sounds fun too, the only time I can go however is on Monday which is Martin Luther King day (lucky). pretty excited about checking out the head office too, my manager works there so it would be nice to meet him and all.
Graduation is up on friday, can’t wait. Though only because alice is visiting, not really keen on meeting other students and all to be honest, my uni housed a lot of lazy retards.
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