Report writing is soul destroying

I’m up to 20,031 words… I’ve done about 58 pages of work. My brain is slowly melting, in a bad sort of way. Hopefully going to get it finished tommorow, and printed off / binded on Wednesday so I dont have to endure this slow death anymore, plus I’ve got so much to look forward to after this report, such as writing more reports, doing a poster presentation, doing a database presentation, doing a web technologies report, doing a database report and last but not least, doing 3 exams :).

Oh but after that its alllll good. I’ve promised myself to do quite alot of things once its all over and done with, this includes (might as well write this down so I have something to look forward to):

  • Playing my Nintendo Wii, I’ve been neglecting it quite alot and it deserves some attention
  • Making some music, I’ve bought quite alot of music gear but really havent had the time to use it
  • Learn the violin again, I’m getting right into it once again so that will be fun
  • Building more sites (shockingly site building doesnt end there, I’m hoping to build more sites in my spare time, including my first ever site I’ve made, I’m hoping to get it nice and web2.0erised)
  • Watching loads of films I bought
  • Photography; you dont buy a £500 dslr camera and just leave it there to collect dust. I have a macro filter and its spring, time to take photos of bugs and small stuff haha
  • Gigs, hopefully all for free.. still trying to pull off this whole free gigs for 2007 thing, I’m seeing Muse soon so that should be fun
  • BBQs, loads of them, gotta love a good BBQ.
  • Watch Phantom of the Opera (again); I’m really hoping to see this, lets hope my professor can get me some cheap tickets :D That or I’ll just buy it full price. Best seats all the way
  • Redesign my room; its a mess
  • And last but not least… lounge about all day just for the sake of knowing that you can! I havent had that feeling ever since I finished my second year at Uni, all I did was relax before I started work at IBM, there was nothing to do work wise and it was just bliss.

So yeah, I’ll keep this post near the top just to put my spirits up in getting this whole thing finished. Nice thing to look forward to and all.. mmm… lounging about haha.

2 Responses to “Report writing is soul destroying”

  1. alice said

    as soon as the work is done… photosss :D

  2. Crazybobbles said

    indeed :D

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