Get a mac

Most people will know that this isn’t something I just came up with today, I’ve been dying to get myself a mac for a long time and I think it’s time for me to start putting these thoughts into actions if I ever wanted one. In the end, a mac is a pretty expensive purchase and cannot simply be bought on a whim (unless you are filthy rich).

Main reasons for wanting one is so I can use that as a way to get me back into music, I have protools but I don’t really use it due to the sluggishness that is my computer. I feel a macbook pro would be the right step in getting me back into making music, especially on the fly when I’m out and about.

Not only will it be useful for my music, it will also be nice to nice for photoshopping and other creative apps that pretty much run natively on the mac. Web industry itself are pretty keen on using mac, heck even Otacon from metal gear solid uses a mac pro. So we know it’s the stuff, so it’s time to make some actions and get this badboy some time.

The plan now is to slowly save up some money to purchase this. I don’t want to go overdraft or anything over the mac book pro so I need to make sure I actually have money to buy one. The problem right now is I don’t want to have the current mac book pro’s as my laptop, they are in dire need of a redesign ever since they’ve announced the next intel platform. Once the new platform is out and the case is redesigned to make use of the multitouch feature as well. I will pretty much splurge into the world of the mac book pro. But for now, it’s just not the right time. I will aim to have saved up half the money needed for it within 6 months (there’s a 6 month reminder on this bad boy) and when the new iteration of the mac book pro is out. I will buy one.

Oh and I’ve deleted the to do page. I’m mainly using my 43 things account for inspiring to do items and long term goals / plans.

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