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Rightio, I thought I’d make use of the time on the tube and write blog entries instead of watching futurama or playing ds on the tube.
I’ve got the thing almost down to a science, from standing in the right part of the platform to timing myself to leave and arrive to work when it’s least busy and crammed. I think commuting is by far the most annoying thing when i started work, you just sit there waiting for the train to take you from point A to point B. I know there’s nowt i can do about it but it’s well worth a rant (especially when the damn place is packed silly and you’re forced to just stand there doing nothing but make sure you don’t fall on your arse like a mofo).
So yeah, i guess i’ll just have to make the most out of it.
I’m glad i’ve added blogging to the list of things to do when i’m on the tube because it was starting to get boring, here’s my lovely list of things i can get up to:
- Write a blog entry
- Access my server via putty, maddox style
- Play ds or psp
- Listen to music (usually accompanied by something else)
- Read the free papers
- Watch futurama
Sadly out of those things i could do, blogging seems to be the only one that’s actually productive..
I’m writing this using the notepad on my phone and syncing it up when I’m back home. The process is slightly tiddly but all in all a smooth process. I might look out for blogging clients on my phone to speed up the process further but I prefer the good old fashioned text editing and copying/pasting it onto here.
Anyway, yeah, expect future blog entries painfully written on my mobile hehe.
I finally got a job offer as Technical Consultant in a nice company. Salary was really nice and it was located in central London. I was able to pay Alice a quick visit since they messed up their timing on when I actually started which meant I was able to book tickets to Halifax and spend a weekend up north before finally starting my job. The weekend was simple but amazing. It was a nice feeling marking the task off finding a job on 43 things as done. You get a proper jump from it all.
Initially my job would be a Oxford Circus however we were going to move to East London (company merged with a bigger company) to enjoy a larger office at a larger company too.
Today was a weird day, I had my second interview at a company I eventually get into and boy was that a crazy day. I was told to turn up at 9.30am and have my interview which turns out to be rescheduled to 11am. The interview was a double whammy! I had two sessions, one with the Vice President of Client Services and the second was with a client relationship manager and a fellow technical consultant (or solutions engineer back in those days haha). Afterwards I was scheduled another interview with the director of technical consulting later that day. It was a phone interview from new york so I gave them my mobile number and expected their call later on.
After a hard and gruelling interview day I felt pretty happy with the results and went to see Inn, Stuart and Karis at Brent Cross since they were heading off to Stockholm the day after. I went to a KFC prior to meeting them outside hendon central station. Karis and Inn were picking me up whilst Stu was slightly late and all. We had some food (at Burger King and Yo sushi) and eventually met up with Stu and basically did a bit of shopping, checked out the new ipod touch and went to Luton airport to exchange some money.
Now the last line was a bit hectic since I’ve never been to an airport before, the worse bit was that I wasn’t travelling the day after so I was just going for company and all and BOY was it a horrible journey! I suppose it was horrible since we went there and found out that they dont exchange Swedish monday there since there’s not departures to Sweden in the airport! Grr! I kept telling them about how I’ll eventually start looking for cufflinks if I get my job so I had a quick gander at the cufflinks store haha. Once all of that was done we eventually went back to Kazzie’s place and headed off to pick up kev. It was a quick swop of people but meh! I wanted to go home, I was far too tired from all the interviews, I had my phone interview inside Karis’ car when we were driving to Brent Cross which was funny (especially when moments before the interview I told them two that at any minute I was going to get a phone interview haha). So yeah, a tiring day with interviews (and random trips to airports) but hopefully I get a job offer and all (which I do haha, damn me writing this AFTER getting the job)
Is fun, except when you get a head hunter who phones you up and constantly go’s “super fantastic no worries at all”. Sometimes it’s not super, it’s not fantastic and YES THERE IS WORRIES! Haha
Anyway, I had an interview with a company who instantly offered me the job (was nice and local too) but eventually I declined it, I eventually got a headhunter telling me about a job that was located in central London. I pretty much went with this one instead and went through a painful online test!
We hope that you are enjoying being back at University.We are writing to keep you updated of the current situation at IBM. We are still awaiting confirmation of some of the graduate roles that will be available for 2007. We anticipate that we will have some more news for you in the next few weeks.
Once we have confirmed the roles for 2007, we will write to you with full details and ask you to choose a vacancy that you would like to apply to. We will then transfer your application to that vacancy (so you will not need to make a new application). You will not be required to retake your IPATO test. You will then be invited to attend a first round selection day in the New Year.
In the meantime, if your situation personal details change, please email and we will update our system. If you no longer wish to apply for a graduate role within IBM, please e-mail and we will withdraw your application.
We look forward to bringing you some news of the opportunities in IBM and thank you for your continued interest and patience.
Kind regards,
IBM Graduate Selection Team
I think I’ll goto the interview, might even consider moving out if I get a job outside London. Perhaps start a new life or something I guess.