Timebox 1: Client Review

Though having set a few targets to complete for Thursday. I’ve contacted my client to ask if he could do a test on a few pages (mainly the podcast / tags / songs page) to see if he is comfortable with what it does and how the interface looks. As well as my client, I will also ask a few of my friends to do some ongoing tests on the first few pages. Hopefully the next timebox will include the RSS functionality which is probably the meat of the system.

As testing is ongoing, the feedback should be concise. So I’ve suggested that my client uses the following questions to structure his feedback on:

  1. What parts of the system did you like
  2. What parts of the system did you not like
  3. What would you like to improve on the system

Very simple questions but it can form some guidelines on how I will make it change on the next iteration.

One Response to “Timebox 1: Client Review”

  1. Stuart.T said

    I liked the display of each Podcast. It kept it simple yet I could still add in extra details once I clilcked on each episode. Also the tags and songs display was helpful as it showed me which topics were used more often than others, great addition.

    I didn’t like the size of the font in the text entry box for the summary, perhaps that could be smaller? Adding a link in the actions column of the Podcasting listing to add a song/tag would be helpful.

    As for improvements, change the duration from minutes to mm:ss format so the rss feed works with iTunes.

    Good work though, it’s looking great.

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