Getting things done!

Getting things doneUsually I’m not a fan of reading books that “teach” you to do things in a certain system. I myself am already pretty organised at things with my holy sync grail and my always empty inbox at work. But after hearing enough entries posted on lifehacker and seeing this article about using GTD on remember the milk. The curiosity of looking into this methodology has increased by ten folds. It seems like every geek’s dream. A world where tasks are managed, organised and logically categorised and worked on in a stress free process. Something that seems quite a far fetched ideal.

Nonetheless I bit the bullet and ordered myself a copy of the book. I was pretty amazed after reading a few chapters of it. The fact that we use our brains to do constantly remind and remember “stuff” that needs doing makes you suddenly realise how inconsistent we are as humans. Things really make sense in the book so my goal is to be able to follow this book and implement it at my work area. I probably won’t need to do the manual stuff purely because I work pretty much online and on the computer meaning there isn’t any paperwork to file at my end. This will be interesting.

So yeah, if you’re interested I recommend you grab a copy of David Allen’s “Getting things done”. It’s the perfect read for those who constantly have things on their mind.

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