Haha sorry 800×600, i still love you and everything but I thought this was quite a punchy title for a post and all. Right, more geeky blog changes. Kinda wished I wrote this with the other one but hey. When coding sites and blogs we make sure everyone can read it nicely and easily. If you look at most blogs and sites their width is about 760px or so. Reason being is that this means users with 800×600 resolutions can view the page without too much hasslehoff in terms of horizontally scrolling the page in order to view the content. Most people have stuck with this and that was all fine and dandy. But it also meant that most webmasters are restricted to damn 800px wide websites in order to conform. Content usually should be minimal but sometimes it’s just annoying knowing you can’t benefit from the extra width, so I’ve decided that I’m more or less going to screw the 800×600 users and make a w i d e r site.
Upon more research I’ve also looked at my stats to see what kind of resolutions you guys have and the results are quite interesting, only 1.12% of folks visiting my site have the oldskool 800×600. So really I’m not killing off too many users with prehistoric monitors. So what triggered the decision? Well, one of the biggest examples of sites that are doing this is good old www.facebook.com, notice that the newer site is actually wider now? This is so that they can fit more status/wall update goodness into your page (as well as ads) at the expense of those poor 800×600. Expect the update to happen very soon, I need to create new background images for the header (just wider, not killing off katamari).