Locked out of my own home (part 2)

You might be thinking, “Wheres part 1?”, probably not worth mentioning now so I thought I’d stick to part 2, anyhows, its the SECOND night I’ve been locked out of my house, and no, I’m not locked out because I dont have the keys or I’m incapable of opening the door, but someone thinks it’s funny to lock me out every night. So yeah, doors locked nice and tight, outside is slightly chilly and I have homework to do tonight.

Now, fortunately for me, this time I’ve managed prepare myself for a long evening outside:

  • My laptop batteries are charged to the max, carrying 2 fully charged (take note of “fully charged”) batteries for my laptop will ensure me that I wont get bored silly outside, I can do all sorts; read my mail, moan about my situation, blog, some site designing etc… note that i forgot to bring my homework files, its stuck on my other computer so I’m quite worried about my homework stuff. But yeah, laptop is awesome
  • Thank god for my wireless router, I can do half those tasks mentioned above, dont think i can do much with a networkless laptop, just watch some american dad or whatevers on my laptop
  • Trusty n70 phone, this will ensure I can: phone, text and more importantly, take random photos of myself locked outside and send it to my laptop via bluetooth
  • Nice wooly clothes: last night I wore a jacket and a hoody, so I was pretty comfty and warm, i didnt wear my jacket today because it was too much weight and im immune to extreme temperatures haha
  • I’m nice and full (thanks for KFC), so i dont starve outside haha
  • As well as eating, I’ve also used the toilet, last night I wasnt too prepared (but i didnt wee myself haha)
  • Some tough love and high spirits, perfect for hoboing for short term durations

So yeah, apparently this lock out is alot longer then last nights, so I’m hopefully my preparation will do me well tonight.

Hope you guys enjoy living inside your cosy homes whilst I’m outside semi freezing my butt off. Would be funny if I was attacked by a fox (watches some random boy walk past practicing his fisting techniques…nice)..

So yeah.. enjoy the photo
Me locked outsideStill outside

Quick update (11:06pm)
Well, im still outside, though I DID manage to get inside the house for a brief moment so I can get some work to send off, dont really see the point in this but ah well. Thank fuck I’m staying a B’s place tommorow haha

Finally back home, slowly warming myself up, was a horrible experience. Definitely miss home

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