10 things I’ve noticed about working in my office:
- We have a sandwich lady who visits us around 11am, I call her the sandwich lady of doom, in fact i usually add “of doom” to anything I say at the end, so the timesheet of doom or the meeting… of doom, on rare occasions I say “of truth” just to balance things out (eg the burger of truth), not sure if this was about the sandwich lady or using the word “of doom”, the sandwich lady of doom is pretty funny though, we get an email everyday telling her arrival (sometimes marked as high importance!!!) and usually the people who want sandwiches from the sandwich lady of doom are already there. she serves pretty oldskool sandwiches, but everytime i take the lift down to buy lunch when she’s there, it feels like i’m cheating on her, we joke around about our relationship with the sandwich lady and how there are “other” places to buy lunch, but we have an understanding.
- x of the y variety; people have definitely noticed this and use it at the office, so instead of saying coffee machine, you say machine of the coffee variety. again, just me being silly. i like padding out words.
- Greeting my manager is usually in the form of “sup yo”, we’re street, word.
- Whenever me and my workmate do a cough, we tend to cough it to the beat of “A fifth of beethoven”, as well as that, we also tend to sing that (and Strangers in the Night by Frank Sinatra) when we’re bored
- There is construction going on outside the office, in cases where we hear sirens or beeps, we tend to start ad libbing break beats or whatever kind of beats we can come up with to form a beautiful piece of drum and bass (or whatever) to drown out the horror of the monotonous noises
- I walk in my socks, standard stuff, though i put my shoes on when i go to the bathroom (of doom).
- I like getting a lovely tall glass of water for drinks (rarely drink coffee), since playing wii fit, I need to boost my balance on my right foot, so whenever I start using the water dispenser I raise my left foot up and balance on my right foot until the glass is filled. that’s using your time wisely
My entire workoffice is smothered with random postit notes, doodles of mario, loco roco, pikachus and the ubiquitous katamari damacy prince, on the white board i wrote “don’t forget to smile everyday” so everyone (including me can read). on another board a manager wrote “BE AWESOME” but that’s no longer there (probably because we are always in a constant state of awesomeness)
- Whenever there’s tension, I usually break it by playing “you all everybody” by driveshaft. the lyrics are a genius and everyone loves driveshaft.
- In order to maximise time needed for exercise, I run like hell to work (usually skipping), i take the stairs to my floor (which is at the top), and after work, i tuck my keys in my pocket or hand and sprint like i’m being chased by a dog, it really scares people (of the business variety) and is often a sight to see if you’re working in my area of the city. luckily i wear black trainers to work, though they’re starting to fall apart already.
It’s oh so late, but I took the time and read it and it’s really good! I like the way you described your work environment, sounds like you’re all good friends and not just people of the work variety.
*thumbs up*
hehe they’re definitely not just people of the work variety ;). we constantly say how we’re all completely different people, but somehow we all just click. thanks for reading this, appreciate it.
Hmm i wonder where ‘of doom’ comes from. one of my mates says it alot, and thus alot of us others do too because of her…
Hehe well i didn’t copy it from anyone, just one of my quirky things i’ve invented which most people can think of simultaneously i guess