One of my somewhat most popular shots of regina spektor (aka that regina spektor photo) has made it to someone’s blog. (The url will give away what it’s about, Big thanks to Antz for informing me of the post) As I’ve onced said to a friend, female shots gets the most hits and favs in the world flickr! But yeah, it’s a funny article, though I wish they had contacted me about the photo, or better yet, actually credit me? (grr, but can’t be arsed chasing it up). And whilst that’s happening to me, Solamore posted a photo talking about big companies taking photos from photographers and then sueing the individual photographers for defaming their reputation by ranting about them online. The article can be found here. What happened to asking people to use their photos huh? Plus they’re a big company so settling it discretely would have been the way forward, not sueing them and adding salt to the wound, I must say in the world of internetz, it’s very easy for the masses to go against the classes (mmm I feel like listening to Manics now). So yeah, feel free to post your thoughts on the situation
I recently had some of my pictures published in a book without giving me credit so I kind of know how you feel. Like you said in the post above neither do I understand what happened to the common sense of asking people _before_ using their pictures. And the thing about companies stealing pictures and then has the cheek to threaten to sue, that’s just… silly.
By the way, first comment on the blog, been following it for some time after finding it on the MUSEwiki-site.
Keep up the good work,
Thomas, Sweden
Hey, thanks for checking out the blog, MuseWiki does help a lot with bringing new users to the site
though if you like muse you should hopefully like what i write (and hopefully it’s not boring and drivel :$)