My current phone, it’s a beast, check out my post
So yeah, the pains of owning a slim phone like this is that the phone slips out of your pocket ever so easily and can get lost just like that. Panic arises when I noticed my ever so empty right pocket (left = wallet, right = phone in case you’re ever needing to mug me :)) and started struggling to find the phone. You spend about 15 minutes doing this until you realise that all hope is lost and that you’re kidding yourself to find a phone randomly in some random pocket that you never ever use.
So anyway, panic only receded for 15 minutes, afterwards I felt optimistic that it would be found, after all, it has all my details, I know my own number, so a quick call on the mobile will solve everything. Arrive at my office, phoned my mobile like no tomorrow and BOOM, picked up, a nice lady called Claire had picked it up and works only one stop away from me so woot. Meeting up in the afternoon to pick it up!
Morale of the day, check before you leave
(Teehee, she recognised me as the one with the “big hair”, I tend to recognise myself as the one with the awesome green scarf :P)
‘Slim’?? But it’s as wide as your wallet! Haha
Glad some nice person had picked it up. That was pretty lucky.
So it’s like having two wallets. I’ve fallen in love with the size! I want an iphone once my contract is over! Got to a point where I didn’t like my phone, but after losing it, you begin to really appreciate it a lot. I’m going to buy the kind lady some thorntons chocolates for finding it for me
Oooh and gravatar! yay!
Oooh quick update for everyone, I’m now back with my phone! Yay! I bought her a nice box of Thornton Chocolates and thanked her muchly for picking it up! It’s the best day ever! (I bought myself some vienese truffles to cheer myself up :D)