Now I’ve seen loads of other gig photographers do this, they SLOWLY go on a slow rampage on festival photos. I will most likely do that the next few days but for now I was thinking what I’d have up for my 365, it’s quite a hard one to pick I must say but I decided to use this one, mainly because the heart on her cheek was so vibrant and it made me feel like the world is an innocent place (despite how my mind thinks)
Anyway, I saw this couple and found them adorably cute so I took a photo of them (you should totally see the next part of this photo, it’s lulz). I dont think it’d be a good idea to summarise the whole festival with a photo of a band because obviously there were more than one band headlining and whatnot, so I thought I’d put the focus on the crowd. It was ace shooting the crowd, I’m always paranoid they don’t want photos taken, mainly because all my friends avoid my camera like the plague despite them asking for the said photo after they’ve seen what it looks like (and wanting it for their facebook profile photo of all things). So yeah, i took a plunge and went all out ninja’ing shots of the crowd, sometimes they knew I was doing it and were happy to pose, sometimes they had no idea (you get a more natural pose).
I miss outdoor shots, they’re so fun and you can use crazy settings to shoot compared to the bog standard iso3200 shows I goto.
Uhm yeah, field day was pretty amazing, it was my first festival to cover and I had mucho fun
the beginning was a bit annoying since we had to travel in and out to get a photo pass which felt like a game of human pinball at one point where we constantly had to annoy security guards in letting us find where the photo passes were. In the end we found it and discovered that they didn’t have enough passes so they just gave us artist passes for the day, this pretty much meant access all areas since we weren’t really restricted in where we stood and whatnot, it was pretty ace, at some shows they didn’t even care if you sat at the front the entire show (which i did to relax my poor feet). The hospitality area was a bit poop and boring (filled with people who stayed there the entire day because they were too important to actually watch the gig).
The toilets at the VIP area were amazing and the food was pretty good (note i did go to this organic burger tent that made pretty tasty burgers) still doesn’t quite beat that time they had a NANDO’s in a festival (V)
Anyway, that’s enough description text for now, i prefer to write more stories elsewhere…
Posted from Flickr, from crazybobbles