Marianne Faithful at Rough Trade East

Marianne Faithful (105/365) 

I managed to catch Marianne Faithful play a few songs at the intimate venue that is Rough Trade East. It was one of the biggest Rough Trade East instore I’ve seen (the other two big ones included of Montreal and Franz Ferdinand). Marianne did a few covers in her own way including Morrisey and Neko Case, Neko Case’s cover of Hold on was definitely one worth watching, unfortunately I wasn’t able to film that, I have some that ill upload in the future so stay tuned for that.

Marianne was very friendly and talkative and encouraged people to just talk to her whilst she was on stage. The set was very short but nonetheless a cool one, after the show me and Anika managed to bump into Patrick Wolf a second time, he was there for the show too but obviously missed it, i told him that they were goign to do a signing and he popped in the venue to check that out, was surreal meeting him again. That’s it, click below if you want photography related banter

Marianne FaithfulPhotographer related banter

The event was flocked with photographers, it made me chuckle at how over the top some of the photographers were at the event though, was totally unneccessary carrying 2 bodies and some crazy flash frame thingy just for an instore. The icing on top was watching some of the smug photographers compare each other’s cameras (Canon vs Nikon). It was a packed event but fortunately me and Anika knew what we were doing by waiting right in the front of the queue to ensure we could see something during the show.

sing a song here!