Vortex Tour East at Rough Trade… East

Vortex Tour East at Rough Trade East (65/365)

I actually had no idea what to expect when I went over to Rough Trade East during my lunch break to see 3 artists do a free performance at Rough Trade East, but at the end I was glad I went.

It was a 3 song showcase of 3 different artists; Jonathan Geyevu, Theo Bard and Fiona Bevan. They were all spectacular to watch, especially Fiona since she had a lovely jazzy influenced voice that sounded amazing. Theo had really fun and quirky lyrics whilst Jonathan graced us with epic keys and drums.

After their individual performances they did a collaboration which was equally as awesome. I’ve been feeling extremely tired as of late from all this rock and roll so a night of sleep catch up was all I needed in the evening :)

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