I was able to grab a ticket at the last minute and go see the band play at a very respectable and epic venue, the Royal Albert Hall, which is renowned for it’s awesome acoustics and dazzling lightings (saw a few musicals there beforehand). It was all part of the Teenage Cancer Trust charity and made everyone feel happy inside that they’ve donated some money from it all. Anyway, I’m sure most of the information can be found at Musewiki so I’ll get straight into the review.
Oh and I spoke to a ticket tout (to research on how much they were charging) about buying Muse tickets and he said £70, tut tut. He was willing to go lower but I left since I was quite disgusted.
The gig was spectacular. They did a lot of new things, a lot of right things and all in all it was a rocking gig. When Take a bow came up I immediately gave them the nod of approval knowing full well that if Take a Bow was the opener, Knights of Cydonia will be the last song (which I prefer a lot). The acoustics were amazing as well as the lighting. Their choice of songs were really good, introducing a few new riffs as well as playing some old songs such as Fury which really lighted up the stage for the die hard fans. The highlight would be when Matt got up to the organs and played Megalomania. Really making use of the venue’s facilities. Makes you wonder if that could have been an end song? (Epic but not rocky). From the gig you would have thought Matt had learnt some new facial expressions because he was pulling all sorts of faces during the gig. The highlight songs would have been, Knights of Cydonia, Megalomania, Fury and Bliss. The balloons coming out, although old, felt like it wasn’t done in a long time, probably because you rarely GET to play with the balloons on venues such as Wembley Stadium etc. It reminded me of the Brixton gig due to it’s size and everything.
Anyway, enjoy some photos! I uploaded about 50 shots so be sure to check them all out on my flickr page
The best shot! It looks epic in big!
Looks like Matt has on tooth here!
and why not, some Matt pouting, he did this pout right after Butterflies and Hurricanes, it’s weird to think you’d make that face at the last note of it.
Anyway, what did YOU think of the gig? Post your review and experiences, how awesome was the organs for you?
dude your pictures are brilliant- where abouts were you in the venue?
was fantastic gig
http://www.flickr.com/photos/crazybobbles/2408930383/ This photo will give you a clue on where I was
cool you must have a powerful camera- did you go to the aftershow? I was there but it was boiling and totally lame
Yeah I was at the aftershow, there wasn’t any music going and a few people who usually are there weren’t. That’s London aftershows for you :p
We were there on Saturday, best gig of my life! My wife, a Muse virgin, said ‘they are great musicians, but it’s not my cup of tea’! I’ll work on her…..
Can i just ask, how on earth is it possible to get to the aftershow parties?! I would love to meet the band one day, and alas didn’t get a chance at the stage door on saturday.
T’was a wonderful show.
Great shots! What camera do you use?
Great shots Crazybobbles, gotta ask yeah how do you get such good tickets and go to aftershows etc? You seem to be in a pretty good position most the time. Do you know the band?
what a tease, ‘perhaps’!! i hope they play something old at vfest like showbiz. ahh what a delight that would be.
Great shots! did you get a photo of Matt at the organ? I haven’t seen any video from the event yet (just audio) and would love to see this…
ps. still waiting for you to put all your old covers back up!
It’s in my flickr collection, check it out
Not the best shot but meh, it was a matter of where you were sitting for that shot to be good.