Pimp my blog up

Made quite alot of updates to the blog. Some of them include:

  • Managed to add some hatching effect on the top menu, slightly more web2.0 haha (i feel like i’m abusing the visual styles used in web2.0 quite alot these days)
  • I really like the styles used for typo (a ruby on rails blogging software). Simple stuff like softer body text (using #666 instead of the obvious #000 or even #333) and the font being verdana helps quite alot in making the site more easier to read. I’m considering making my own skin in wordpress, it looks fun.
  • I’ve applied a random text plugin which allows me to shove in the occasional random bit of text for fun, one I’m using atm is the list of words you say when you reply, it can vary from x wrote this to x said that.
  • I’ve provided more contact methods to be used for contacting me, the email address will be forward to me instead of using my actual one just to make changing emails alot easier (spam and all)
  • I’ve pimped up my about page , it includes a photo of me, as well as some more stuff about me
  • Very subtle thing, but I’ve increased the font size of the headings on the sidebar
  • Adding a bit of padding to the header thing
  • Now I have a left and right class on my css, this means I can use it to float images to the left or right. Pretty useful.
  • Added some extra images to jazz the site up a bit, you can see them below

Post itEmail Icon
You can find the above on the to do list page and the contact page :)
For my next blog update, I think I’ll be redesigning the theme myself, might publish it and all too!

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